Friday, October 12, 2007

In Hot Water

On the computer, off the computer. Just here to make some quick notes about what we are doing today.

Read The Story of the Root Children
Add crocheted Little Brown Bulb to Nature table, resting under brown wool (earth)
Plant bulbs
Finish with "Autumn" story from Eurythmy for the Young Child (plants go down under the earth to sleep through the winter just like animals do)

First Grade:
FD lesson 2 from Beginning with Form Drawing
Story - The Three Billy Goats Gruff
The Wise Enchanter: A Journey through the Alphabet at bedtime (K)

Sunday School:
I love love the idea of doing Pine Cone Fire Starters (from Earthways: Simple Environmental Activities for Young Children) but I am still worried about taking the kids into the church kitchen to work. They have a HUGE gas stove which scares me to death. And, if any of the melted beeswax drips down onto the burner while I am stirring it and lift my stirring stick out of the water, there will be a flash fire. So I am testing today whether you can melt beeswax in a large can set inside a crock pot of hot water. I prefer using the crock pot with my students and that is, in fact, how we dyed wool last year. I measured out the correct amount of water first (place the can of beeswax pellets in the empty crock pot and add water until the can begins to float slightly but remains level). Then I took out the beeswax can and have the lid on the crock pot and it is set to High. I started at 7:45 am. We will see how long it takes for the water to begin to boil, then take off the lid, put the can in and see how long the wax takes to melt. I'm sure it will be a LOT longer than doing it on the stove but it will be safer and I will be less stressed out on Sunday, so that's the important thing. I am petrified of fire. By the way, always have a large box of baking soda on hand in case of fire. Do Not Throw Water on a Wax Fire.

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