Friday, February 8, 2008

The Bot Mystery Solved

By the way, we have solved the mystery of the bots. Rebecca has fallen in love with a simple little picture book I got out from the library and will definitely buy since the kids are reading it by themselves and to each other 20 times a day: Animals Sleeping by Masayuki Yabuuchi. There are many many books of this type but this one is fantastic. The illustrations are beautiful, the text is simple but elegant, and the animals they choose are really fun. Koala, leopard, sea otter, albatross, flamingo, bat, and camel. They have copies used on Amazon starting at 18 cents so, really, I urge you to get one if you have a 2 or 3 year old. Makes a nice bedtime story too because I end it with, and how does Rebecca sleep? And she shows me how she lies down on her bed. So anyway she's been reading it to herself and one day I realized she was calling bats "bots". Aha!

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