Thursday, August 28, 2008

Coyote Run

This morning while on the school run a coyote raced across the road right in front of me. I had heard that they were in all the counties of MD but this was the first one I had seen! I suppose they are a natural response to the increase in the wild turkey population.

School is going well for my kiddos -- Leah is so excited every night she can hardly sleep. I am getting a lot of housework and errands done (set up my Sunday School classroom today, yesterday was a trip to the lawyer, Tuesday I got a new cell phone and bought my girls Sigg water bottles). Today for some reason I have been a cooking fiend. Lentil and Tomato Stew (which we'll have for dinner with homemade bread), a Fruit and Nut Bread Pudding, and Cherry Peach Cobbler. Now that our Dishwasher is Broken, this means a lot more dishes but it is worth it to actually enjoy the food we eat. I go in cycles on the Cooking from Scratch question and right now it is hip. :-)

Thinking about Christmas presents already... am I the only one? Natalie is going to a birthday party on Sunday where there are no gifts for the birthday boy, each child brings a present for a gift exchange. That means we need to think of something gender neutral so I am having Natalie sew a beanbag with streamers (I got one of these before from Harmony). When you toss them they look like they are going super fast. Very snazzy.

Saturday is food pantry, veg. pickup at Clagett Farm and the 142nd Jousting Tournament (the offical state sport of MD). Sunday is the kickoff to the new year of Sunday School with a picnic at the church at noon and then the birthday party in the afternoon. Monday there is no school and we are just going to hang out at home for a Family Day.

The website has been spruced up a bit so feel free to wander around and enjoy:

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