Monday, February 16, 2009


Leah and Becca are napping; Natalie and I are hanging out. We just baked a vanilla cake mix from Namaste and made a blackberry sauce to go over it. After the other two wake up we need to head to WalMart to get a presentation backboard for N's Sweden report which is due next week. Time for the World Tour again! Last year we were Japan. This year she picked Sweden. So...

we made 15 little train tickets out of 4x6 index cards with the Sweden flag cut and pasted to them and the word Sweden written on them (the children will be visiting India before they go to Sweden so we thought a train trip would be nice)

I pulled out my Tomten that I bought at the craft fair in Boulder last year after Rahima's conference

and we have The Tomten, The Tomten and the Fox, and Ollie's Ski Trip to share (Astrid Lindgren and Elsa Beskow are both Swedish authors)

I found some straw ornaments and am looking for my little wooden reindeer

we called my brother who collected foreign currency when he was a kid to see about borrowing some krona

we have 12 pictures of animals (6 that live in Sweden, 6 that do not) for Natalie to hold up and quiz the class. Elephant, tiger, tropical bird, etc. for the NO pile. Bear, fox, rabbit, etc. for the YES pile.

N wants to present Swedish food (OSTA-KAKA (SWEDISH CHEESECAKE)), a model of how Sweden was formed (glaciation) with ice cubes and a tray of sand, and we still have to make the backboard. So the backboard comes next. It is due next week on Monday and she is spending this upcoming weekend with her dad so we have to work on it a little each day this week.

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