Saturday, February 27, 2016

Preschool / Kindergarten Waldorf Homeschool - Booklist

Not everyone who has kids at home for the Early Childhood years is prepared to enter into Waldorf homeschooling for 1st - 8th grades.

So I have several booklist projects:

One is for those families who plan to homeschool for the grades and want to spend money on Kindy books that also contain curriculum suggestions for Waldorf in later years (I'm creating lists of books for each year that build successively and, being usable for multiple years, save you a ton of money)


one is for people who are just focused on the early years. Their hearts are set on giving their young children beautiful developmentally-appropriate Preschool and Kindergarten years and want to buy a few books but get lots of concrete advice and detailed help with implementing the Waldorf method.

I've assembled a list of 12 GREAT books if this is you!

I have so many Waldorf books on my Early Childhood shelf but these are the ones I would get if I was doing it all over again. Which I am, with Zac! :-)

    This post was first published in Feb 2016.
    It was revised and the links were updated in Aug 2024.

I know full well that Live Ed has the most Waldorf-y of curricula -- and I do recommend their work for the grades -- but, to be honest, for the money you could spend on their Kindy package you can get these books and have MUCH more content and help:

Approx. total cost $300.00
With additional savings if you buy titles used through

Compare to the Live Education! Kindergarten package - $420.00


Meleakua said...

Are any of these books about eurythmy or talk about it at all? Thank you so much for the list! I am looking into these books now!

Renee said...

No, not in this list, BUT there is an Early Childhood Eurythmy book that I'm putting on my Kindy list for books that cover Kindy and older. It is the book you want. It's called Eurythmy for the Young Child by Estelle Bryer.

Renee said...

UPDATE: This Estelle Breyer book is now available online as a PDF which you can download at no charge from the Online Waldorf Library.