Dana has a very simple 5 step process for any location you want to tackle (obvious trash, taking things that already have an established spot in your home to that spot right away, donation items, etc.) and the best thing about it is that she believes in "Progress and ONLY Progress" and you can declutter using her method for 2 minutes or 2 hours and still be able to stop at ANY time and you will NOT have made any area of your home worse in any way.
This was a revolutionary concept to me because I was always the kind of person who emptied out a shelf, drawer, or entire room and then put it all back one piece at a time (see my Aug 2016 post Emptying a Child's Room).
The problem with this? When you have a family, job, etc. that kind of project can easily get derailed and then you are left with an exploded diagram of a space that, while it wasn't tidy, at least everything was jammed into it compactly so it sortof fit. Now things are much worse than they were before!
Repeat that for 7 or 8 years and you have a real situation on your hands. (And here I want to give a shout-out to Cass from Clutterbug for her absolutely hysterical video about how NOT to deep clean your home.)
I really like Dana's "One Hour Better" series where she visits real people, chooses one problem space, and walks them through her method with the timer set for one hour -- it is amazing to see how much better it is at the end of that hour -- and her "14 Days to Opening Your Front Door to Guests" where she creates a plan for when people are going to come and visit you!
One Hour Better
Decluttering a Kitchen Table
Decluttering a Catch-All Surface in the Master Bedroom
Decluttering a Garage
Decluttering a Classroom
14 Days to Opening Your Front Door to Guests
step-by-step 14 video playlist, one for each day - FREE
eBook - $7.99
UPDATE: August 9, 2023
I want to share that I think that Marissa from A to Zen Life is the BEST person to binge watch and/or have on in the background while you're decluttering. I find her soooo inspiring, and she's a recovering emotional hoarder so she really can talk honestly about the pain that can come up when you are choosing to let things go. Both of her parents died while she was still young and her childhood home burned down, so she spent many years holding onto everything that was left. Now she lives in the most minimal home I've ever seen and she is extremely happy and has a lovely husband and two adorable boys.
Get inspired with Dawn, figure out your Clutterbug type with Cass, get serious with Dana, and then body double with Marissa while you get it done!!
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