So what to do?
It's off to the Internet, of course!
I found a blog post from a mom who wrote about the first time they had ever used modeling beeswax in her home. She warmed the wax in tins that floated in hot water, instead of using hands. That may be a nice modification for special needs students, if you have someone without a lot of strength but who still wants to participate and explore the material. In her post, this woman wrote about mushrooms, which I think we will do. We can add them to our Nature table, which already has Autumn silks, a few little Autumn figures, a wooden carved bear heading into his cave, and some ceramic mushrooms.
My students like it best when I read them a story while they are warming the beeswax up in their hands (about 10 minutes) so I think I will choose Elsa Beskow's Children of the Forest
1 comment:
This is not to say that I don't like Arthur Auer's book. I do... very much. It covers multiple grade levels and is very helpful. I just always am greedy for more ideas!
You can find a free article online excerpted from his book, called Hand Movements Sculpt Intelligence.
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