Monday, February 6, 2012

Wet Felting Course

Here are my suggestions for teaching wet felting to kids as a Handwork block:

1. carding wool

2. felting flat wool flowers within two layers of bubble wrap

3. felting a bar of soap

4. felting an egg

5. dyeing wool with natural dyes

We did the felting an egg today. Simply wrap a raw egg with roving, sprinkle the hot soapy water over it gently, and rub until felted. Tomorrow when the eggs are dry (they are in the fridge now -- use a cardboard egg carton and put the eggs back in it, write the initials by the egg cup with a sharpie) I will use sharp scissors to cut a small zigzag crack in the wool covering the egg so that we can get the eggs out. This leaves a hollow felt egg. Then the children can decide what they want to have hatch from their egg. Lots of animals come from eggs. Our poem for the week is a haiku from Eric Carle's Animals Animals

A discovery!
On my frog's smooth green belly
there sits no button.

Haiku, Yaku


Kestrel said...

Can you clarify the raw egg bit a little more? You put a zig zag crack in a raw egg and manage to get the yolk and shell out of the felt without getting yolk everywhere? Help!

Renee said...

Here are some directions that include photos. Hope this helps!