Tuesday, August 27, 2024

New Notebooks for a New School Year

I always enjoy purchasing supplies for a new school year, and this year I'm particularly pleased that I found Plan Books in three different sizes of Montessori penmanship paper and Math Journals in three different sizes of graph paper!

The three graph paper sizes are (from left to right) 1/2 inch, 1 cm, 1/4 inch.

AND Montessori penmanship paper in three sizes as well!

The notebooks will be perfect for our daily Plan Books! There is a print series (with a guide to print letters in the front) and a cursive series (with a guide to cursive letters in the front). The pink book has the widest lines, the blue book has the medium lines, and the green book has the narrowest lines. Montessori paper is wonderful for teaching Chancery Script as well.

On the first day of school, each child will have a chance to pick the set that is best for them. We have a mixed age homeschool environment (ages 7-13), so having a variety of paper sizes will accommodate everyone's needs.

I'm really pleased to offer these three options to the children, and to see what set they each choose!

links for small set:

plan book
math journal (1/4 inch)

links for medium set:

plan book
math journal (1 cm)

links for large set:

plan book
math journal (1/2 inch)

This post contains affiliate links to materials I truly use for homeschooling. Qualifying purchases provide me with revenue. Thank you for your support!

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