Thursday, Feb 27
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They learned a lot about their countries
(and how to look information up
in nonfiction texts) in just six days!
Thursday, Feb 27
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They learned a lot about their countries
(and how to look information up
in nonfiction texts) in just six days!
If you would like to take your child to the library to check out more books about their country, we did discuss how nonfiction is organized with the Dewey Decimal system, and I've provided the call number for each country.
It would be great fun for your child to go into the stacks and walk straight to the books about their topic!
Chad in Pictures (Visual Geography Series)
Calabash Cat and His Amazing Journey by James Rumford
bilingual picture book in English and Chadian Arabic
Rain School by James Rumford
Mango Rain by James Rumford
image - rock art 1
image - rock art 2
food - mangos
artifact - wooden giraffe
Côte d’Ivoire - Z
Côte d’Ivoire in Pictures (Visual Geography Series)
image - mask dance 1
image - mask dance 2
image - mask dance 3
recipe - Cucumber and Courgette Salad
recipe - Jus de Bissap - Hibiscus Tea
artifact - wooden elephant + knitted mat
artifact - orange blossom water
Liberia - EO
Liberia (Modern Nations of the World)
recipe - Liberian Rice Bread
artifact - wooden hippo
artifact - stamps
Somalia - AAR
Somalia in Pictures (Visual Geography Series)
Animal Architects: Amazing Animals Who Build Their Homes by Daniel Nassar & Julio Antonio Blasco
image - termite mound stamp
recipe - Bariis Iskukaris - Spiced Somali Rice (lamb)
artifact - cardamom pods + mortar and pestle
artifact - coins
artifact - charcoal
artifact - wooden donkey
Bolivia (Cultures of the World)
Children Just Like Me
"Oscar (Bolivia)"
Army Ant Parade by April Pulley Sayre
Wonderful Houses Around the World by Yoshio Komatsu
"Bolivia: Houses Shaped Like Acorns"
image - people of Bolivia
recipe - Helado de Canela - Cinnamon Sorbet
Brazil - OH
Brazil (Cultures of the World)
Brazil (Countries of the World)
The Yanomami of South America (First Peoples)
Yanomami: People of the Amazon (Vanishing Peoples)
Traditional Houses from Around the World by A. G. Smith
plate 43, "Amazon Delta Stilt House"
A Child's Day in a Brazilian Village by Maria de Fatima Campos
The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest by Lynne Cherry
Tales of the Amazon: How the Munduruku Indians Live by Daniel Munduruku
recipe - Sweet Cornmeal Cake Brazilian-Style
Peru - KEL
Peru (Enchantment of the World)
Tomasino: A Child of Peru (Children of the World)
This Is How We Do It: One Day in the Lives of Seven Kids from Around the World by Matt Lamothe
Traditional Houses from Around the World by A. G. Smith
plate 45, "Lake Titicaca Reed Houses"
The Llama's Secret: A Peruvian Legend retold by Argentina Palacios
Discovering the Inca Ice Maiden: My Adventures on Ampato by Johan Reinhard
recipe - Aguadito de Pollo - Peruvian Chicken Soup (chicken)
artifact - basket of wool + wool carders
artifact - wooden sheep
Finland (Modern Nations of the World)
Finland in Pictures (Visual Geography Series)
Traditional Houses from Around the World by A. G. Smith
plate 29, "Lapp Mountain Tent"
Sights in Finland by Raimo Suikkari
recipe - Finland Boiled Potatoes (herring)
artifact - Tove Jansson books
artifact - Moomin mug
artifact - stamps
artifact - wooden seal
France - EF
France (Cultures of the World)
Houses and Homes (Around the World Series)
Three Perfect Peaches: A French Folktale retold by Cynthia DeFelice
The Giraffe That Walked to Paris by Nancy Milton
image - Eiffel tower
food - croissants
drink - bottled water from France
artifact - French soap
artifact - francs + euros
artifact - lavender
artifact - wooden flamingo
Italy - LL
Italian (Languages of the World)
Pompeii (Unearthing Ancient Worlds)
Bodies from the Ash: Life and Death in Ancient Pompeii by James Deem
As Tourists Swarm Erupting Mount Etna, Italian Authorities Warn Them Away
The New York Times - Feb 19, 2025
The Mysterious Giant of Barletta: An Italian Folktale retold by Tomie dePaola
If You Lived Here: Houses of the World by Giles Laroche
"Venetian palace"
food - cherry tomatoes + fresh mozzarella pearls
drink - bottled water from Italy
artifact - Italian food glass ornaments
artifact - coins
artifact - pumice from the top of Mt. Vesuvius
artifact - material developed by Dr. Maria Montessori (Spindle Box)
Turkey - SW
Turkey (Modern Nations of the World)
"Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" song by They Might Be Giants
How Do People Live? by Philip Steele
Throw Your Tooth on the Roof: Tooth Traditions from Around the World by Selby Beeler
Children from Australia to Zimbabwe: A Photographic Journey Around the World by Maya Ajmera and Anna Rhesa Versola
Wildlife in Southwest Turkey (PDF)
The Hungry Coat: A Tale from Turkey retold by Demi
recipe - Aka Kisir - Turkish Bulgur Salad
artifact - stamps
artifact - wild turkey ornament
artifact - wooden camel
artifact - pomegranate + pomegranate molasses
And here's the overview of our flow for this block:
Feb 10 - make political maps of Africa
Feb 11 - make political maps of South America
Feb 12 - make political maps of Europe
Feb 13 - class discussion to decide what information should be in a report
Feb 17 - draw a continent out of a hat, look at map, choose your country
Feb 18 - get report checklist & your pile of books, find flag, begin research
Feb 19 - continue research, tracing paper map w/capital, look for stamps
Feb 20 - continue research, begin to test recipes, checklist review mtgs
Feb 24 - lay out images on backboard, decide # of fact cards & their topics
Feb 25 - stencil country name at top of backboard, rough draft fact cards
Feb 26 - write fact cards, glue on backboards, prepare food, set up displays
Feb 27 - Geography Fair!
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The children found this project to be very interesting and fun! Of course, first I had to teach them about
the long s.
We are working on the Frederick Law Olmstead Papers. Frederick Law Olmstead was the architect who designed Central Park! This is the family's "House expense book," and we are working on transcribing pages for June & July 1827.
The children were so excited when we found a long s in "seamstress"!
Here are some resources and notes as we go along! And yummy recipes!
large pull-down wall map
outline map - unlabeled (PDF)
outline map - labeled (PDF)
Africa pin map from Nienhuis Montessori
Biome Puzzle Map and Africa Stencil from Waseca Biomes
Latitude & Longitude "Waterways" map from Clocca Concepts
Flags of the World from Montessori Research & Development
Feb 19 - read The Village of Round and Square Houses by Ann Grifalconi
Feb 25 - read Why the Sky Is Far Away retold by Mary-Joan Gerson
South Africa
Feb 19 - read "The Singing Drum"
from Play Me a Story: Nine
Tales About Musical Instruments retold by Naomi Adler
play singing drum
Feb 13 - read Olbalbal: A Day in Maasailand by Barbara Margolies
Feb 10 - read Beautiful Blackbird retold by Ashley Bryan
large pull-down wall map
outline map - unlabeled (PDF)
outline map - labeled (PDF)
South America pin map from Nienhuis Montessori
Biome Puzzle Map and South America Stencil from Waseca Biomes
Latitude & Longitude "Waterways" map from Clocca Concepts
Flags of the World from Montessori Research & Development
Feb 20 - read On the Pampas by Maria Cristina Brusca
Feb 17 - read The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry
Feb 26 - read Mariana and the Merchild retold by Caroline Pitcher
Feb 26 - read Waiting for the Biblioburro by Monica Brown
Feb 11 - read The Llama's Secret retold by Argentina Palacios
large pull-down wall map
outline map - unlabeled (PDF)
outline map - labeled (PDF)
Europe pin map from Nienhuis Montessori
Biome Puzzle Map and Europe Stencil from Waseca Biomes
Flags of the World from Montessori Research & Development
Feb 18 - read Three Perfect Peaches retold by Cynthia DeFelice, et al.
Feb 12 - read Saint Valentine retold by Robert Sabuda
Feb 27 - read Seven Fathers retold by Ashley Ramsden
Feb 24 - read The Mitten retold by Alvin Tresselt
Feb 24 - read Slop! retold by Margaret Read MacDonald
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We are very excited to be participating in Algae Academy , a STEM program funded by the Department of Energy which provides a FREE curric...
Grades 1 - 8
How to Teach Spelling:
SWI in the Waldorf Environment
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Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 6
Grade 8