Thursday, March 6, 2025

Ethel, part 2

I discovered, while doing this whole Ethel Pochocki Marbach project, that she wrote one more book for St. Anthony Press, which is a season-by-season calendar of the saints. As before, when Bethlehem Books republished the book, they took out a significant number of stories (indicated here in red).

Saints of the Seasons for Children
© 1989 St. Anthony Messenger Press

    The Immaculate Conception
    Elizabeth and Zechariah
    John the Baptist
    Simeon and Anna
    The Magi

    The Holy Innocents
    John the Evangelist
    Elizabeth Seton
    John Neumann
    Thomas Aquinas
    Frances of Rome
    Paul Miki and Charles Lwanga
    Adam and Eve
    The Woman at the Well
    The Man Born Blind
    Simon of Cyrene

    John Bread-and-Water
    Catherine of Siena
    Cosmas and Damian
    Vincent de Paul
    The Heavenly Helpers: Archangels
    Therese of Lisieux
    Guardian Angels
    Francis of Assisi
    All Saints Day
    Martin de Porres
    Frances Xavier Cabrini
    Francis Xavier

Here are my notes as to the revised version, published by Bethlehem Books.

Around the Year Once Upon a Time Saints
© 2009 Bethlehem Books
includes three new stories

    Francis Xavier (Dec 3)
    Nicholas (Dec 6)
    Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec 12)
    Lucy (Dec 13)
    The Holy Innocents (Dec 28)
    Elizabeth Seton (Jan 4)
    John Neumann (Jan 5)
    Thomas Aquinas (Jan 28)
    Paul Miki (Feb 5) and Charles Lwanga (Jun 3)
    John Bread-and-Water (Lent)
    Frances of Rome (Mar 9)
    Patrick (Mar 27)
    Joseph (Mar 19)
    Catherine of Siena (Apr 29)
    Our Lady of Czestochowa (May)
    Paul the Apostle (Jun 29)
    Thomas the Apostle (Jul 3)
    Our Lady of Knock (Aug 21)
    Cosmas and Damien (Sep 26)
    Vincent de Paul (Sep 27)
    The Heavenly Helpers: Archangels (Sep 29)
    Therese of Lisieux (Oct 1)
    Guardian Angels (Oct 2)
    Francis of Assisi (Oct 4)
    Hedwig (Oct 16)
    All Saints Day (Nov 1)
    Martin de Porres (Nov 3)
    Frances Xavier Cabrini (Nov 13)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

For those keeping track at home, yes, I did buy (and read and color-code the table of contents of) SEVEN books in order to fully answer the question of whether Ethel Marbach and Ethel Pochocki were the same person.

But if I'm going to recommend a resource to a homeschool consulting client, I need to know whether or not that book has come back into print, and whether the text has been revised in any way if so. So what else can I do???

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