Thursday, February 14, 2008

More Treats and Surprises

Today the mail lady brought another surprise: a box of Valentine's Day treats for the girls from their Aunt Jenn. Dress up costumes (including a super-cool jester hat, we've never had one of those), stickers, pencils, magic wands, and beautiful sparkly valentines. We opened it after first going through Natalie's treat bag from school which was packed full of great stuff. Our seasonal display by the front door features our lovely Valentine's Fairy (made by a dear friend) surrounded by cards and a little red basket full of the candy Natalie was given. She is only allowed to have one piece a day. She also got stickers, play-dough, jewelry. I was amazed at how many she got, especially since this is a new experience for us. Each teacher at the school gave every child a valentine, even those who aren't in their classes!!! The director also gave each child a hand-signed card. Natalie's teacher made rice krispie treats packed in a cute little red Chinese take away box and gave each child a book as well: If You'll Be My Valentine by Cynthia Rylant. One of the other teachers made each child a heart-shaped crayon of melted crayon pieces (directions for Rainbow Crayons -- this site also gives lots of other great crayon activities). Those were adorable and I'm so impressed that she took the time.

We are having tortellini and baked acorn squash for dinner, both roughly heart shaped foods. :-)

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