Wednesday, July 29, 2009

G! O! D!

Today the two older girls hung out and painted suncatchers at the Community House in the morning; Becca went with me to do errands. One of our errands was to find a humane catch-and-release mousetrap for Mousie Mouse who moved into our house while I was on my vacation. This is the second humane trap design I've tried and I hope it works because my patience is wearing thin. But I just keep reminding myself of the Buddhist belief that all forms of life are equal. No one is better than any other. This means that, if I wouldn't want the mouse to kill me because it finds me annoying, I have no right to do that to it. The trap is baited with peanut butter so we'll see if anything happens overnight.

Tonight at VBS we were given the task of coming up with a cheer for our group. You know, like cheerleaders do. I was about to start banging my head on the wall when I realized that I had one absent student (which dropped me down to three) and this gave me a brilliant idea! So I had the kids all crouch down and jump up one at a time and yell their assigned letter.




And then I yelled, what's that spell? And the kids are supposed to shout "God!" Simple. 5 year old friendly. Except that when we went to perform it in front of the church I got




"What's that spell?"

And two of them yelled "God" and Leah called out loudly "Jesus!" I thought it was hilarious. Falls under the category of Close Enough, as far as I'm concerned.

The children were talking in the car about whether God was a boy or girl and I was saying that a lot of people think that God is a woman and Becca corrected me, saying that the baby born in the manger was a boy and he was God so God must be a boy. I thought that perhaps the mystery of the Holy Trinity was a little over their heads and probably not something you should shout over your shoulder in a truck while going down Route 2 & 4, so I refrained. It was a good point, after all.

Tomorrow the Comm. House activity is a day of painting with items other than paintbrushes, which is always super-cool. With the morning activities and VBS at night I'm leery of putting anything in to the afternoon timeslot, so we haven't been going to the beach or the pool all week. This is going to be another summer where I get to the end and realize -- AGAIN -- that Natalie still hasn't learned how to swim.

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