Are you interested in doing additional anthroposophical reading as part of the research and preparation for your school year?
Dorit Winter's article "The Chariot of Michael" in And Who Shall Teach the Teachers? is full of references to Steiner's writings which specifically mention different main lesson topics. (This is not a be-all and end-all, since he was so prolific, but in her essay she shares excerpts from her personal collection of notes, gathered while she read his work.) Many of the lectures she mentions I had never heard of before! So I give this brief "cheat sheet" in case it piques your interest. If so, I strongly recommend that you read her article. The book is available as a free PDF from the Online Waldorf Library.
I've also included the links to buy his books, as well as online resources, where I could find them.
Grade One
Grade Two
Grade Three
Grade Four
Man and Animal
his lecture cycle entitled The Gospel of St. John in Its Relation to the Other Three Gospels
in the seventh lecture of Practical Advice to Teachers, Rudolf Steiner provides concrete and specific explanations
for this curriculum block
Practical Advice to Teachers (PDF) available free from the Rudolf Steiner Archive
GA 112 (Kassel: June–July 1909), The Gospel of St. John and Its
Relation to the Other Gospels, especially Lecture 8
GA 112 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
GA 8, Christianity as Mystical Fact (New York: Anthroposophic
Press, 1947/1972), Chapter 9
GA 8 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
GA 104 (Nuremberg: June 1908), The Apocalypse of St. John: Lectures on the Book of Revelation
(New York: Anthroposophic Press, 1992), Lecture 4
GA 104 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
GA 103, The Gospel of St. John
GA 103 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
Norse Mythology
his book Christianity As Mystical Fact
GA 8 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
GA 102, “Christianity Began as a Religion but Is Greater than
All Religions,” in The Christian Mystery (New York:
Anthroposophic Press, 1998)
GA 102 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
GA 104, The Apocalypse of St. John
GA 104 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
Rudolf Steiner, Karmic Relations, Volume VIII, Chapter 6
Grade Five
his lecture of March 6, 1911
the Rose Cross Meditation (see Steiner’s book An Outline of Esoteric Science)
An Outline of Esoteric Science (PDF) available free from Anthroposophic Press
his lecture of February 16, 1907, entitled “Who Are the Rosicrucians?
GA 127
GA 127 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
GA 103, The Gospel of St. John
GA 103 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
GA 264, From the History and Contents of the First Section of the Esoteric School, 1904–1914 (New York: Anthroposophic Press, 1998)
GA 97
GA 97 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
Ancient Mythology: India
for Buddha she writes, "we can turn to various lecture cycles including The Gospel of St. Luke, From Buddha to Christ, and The Spiritual Guidance of Man and Mankind"
Greek Mythology
she writes, "for Rudolf Steiner’s
explication of many of the Greek myths, see “The Greek Sages Before Plato in the Light of Mystery Wisdom” or “The Wisdom of the Mysteries and the Myth,” in Christianity
as Mystical Fact. Or read any lecture on the fourth post- Atlantean epoch."
GA 8 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
Sixth Grade
Roman History
specifically, the Christ Event
GA 104, The Apocalypse of St. John
GA 104 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
Physics: Optics
GA 103, The Gospel of St. John
GA 103 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
“The Last Address” (Dornach: 28 September 1924), in The
Archangel Michaël: His Mission and Ours, selected lectures and writings by Rudolf Steiner (Hudson, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1994)
The Last Address (The Individuality of Elias, John, Raphael, Novalis)
-- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
Seventh Grade
specifically, Rudolf Steiner’s revelation about Raphael, that he was the reincarnated Lazarus/John
"The Last Address"
The Last Address (The Individuality of Elias, John, Raphael, Novalis)
-- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
also Eternal Individuality: Towards a Karmic Biography of Novalis by Sergei Prokofieff
Physics: Simple Machines
GA 127 (5 June 1911)
GA 127 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
specifically, the Limestone Cycle
GA 229, “The Easter Imagination” (7 October 1923), in The
Four Seasons and the Archangels: Experience of the Course of the Year in Four Cosmic Imaginations (London: Rudolf Steiner Press,
GA 229 - available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
Human Physiology
GA 182 (Zürich: 1918), The Work of the Angels in Man’s Astral
GA 182 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
GA 103, The Gospel of St. John, Lecture 3
GA 103 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
Rudolf Steiner, Cosmic Memory: Prehistory of Earth and Man
(W . Nyack: Rudolf Steiner Publications, 1959), Chapter 18
GA 11 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
GA 104, The Apocalypse of St. John, Lecture 7
GA 104 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
Wish, Wonder, and Surprise
she writes, "For further references to wonder (as well as wish and surprise),
see The Art and Science of Teaching Composition by Dorit
Winter (Fair Oaks, CA: AWSNA Publications, 1998)." I will add that this book is also available for free at the Online Waldorf Library.
Eighth Grade
she makes reference to both biographies and current events, framing them as follows: "It
takes perseverance to find the Rosicrucian heroes of our day. But they do exist, and it is a significant path of research to discover them. Through them the Christ Impulse lives, providing an antidote to the carnage of modern warfare, which is also part of the eighth grade curriculum."
Ninth Grade
Tenth Grade
Eleventh Grade
Twelfth Grade
Emerson and the Transcendentalists
Goethe's Faust
Tolstoy and Dostoevsky
she writes, "...the study of Emerson and the Transcendentalists, or
of Goethe’s Faust, or of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky all provide ample scope for different facets of the impulse we have been tracing. The transformation of evil, the nature of suffering and of forgiveness, compassion and the story teller’s allegories for these themes—these now become the stuff of twelfth grade curriculum. Twelfth graders are capable of applying their own individualizing thinking to the thoughts of Emerson, the questions of Dostoevsky, the images of Faust. They can write their own parables."
Rudolf Steiner (16 February 1907), Das Christliche Mysterium
Robert D . Richardson, Emerson: The Mind on Fire (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1995)
GA 55 (Berlin: 14 February 1907), “Wisdom and Health,”
in Supersensible Knowledge (Great Barrington, MA: Anthroposophic Press, 1987), p. 64. (The whole lecture can be found in Isis Mary Sophia: Her Mission and Ours, selected lectures by Rudolf Steiner, edited by Christopher Bamford, SteinerBooks, 2003.)
GA 55 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
GA 149, Christ and the Spiritual World: And the Search for the Holy Grail
GA 149 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
GA 307, Education and Modern Spiritual Life
GA 307 -- available free online at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
Dorit Winter has a few concluding remarks, mostly turning her attention back to Steiner. Obviously, nobody says what he said better than he did! And that's why reading the original Steiner is so important. I believe this is really what she is trying to get us to do. Even the lengthy quotes she provides aren't as helpful as reading Steiner's thoughts in the original context.
However, I do believe that this quote from Education and Modern Spiritual Life sums up Steiner's entire educational premise:
"For no education will develop from abstract principles or programs — it will develop only from reality. And because man himself is soul and spirit, because he
has a physical nature, a soul nature and a spiritual nature, reality must again come into our life — for with the whole reality will the spirit also come into our life, and only such a spirit as this can sustain the educational art of the future."
And Winter ends her lecture with quoting him one last time:
"This is a mighty and magnificent task, the task of providing the chariot for Michaël:
Michaël needs, as it were, a chariot by means of which to enter our civilization . ...
By educating in the right way, we are preparing Michaël’s chariot for his entrance into our civilization. [her emphasis added]"
This final quote is from Rudolf Steiner's The Younger Generation.
This post contains affiliate links to the materials I actually use for homeschooling. I hope you find them helpful. Thank you for your support!