Lord of the Flies
by William Golding
Lord of the Flies Survival Scenario pre-reading activity - FREE
Lord of the Flies Novel Study lesson plans
Lord of the Flies Assessment multiple choice test - FREE
Connotations and Denotations - $1.00
Chapter Check (to accompany reading assignments for homework) - FREE
Bridge to Terabithia Novel Study (our previous novel study) lesson plans
Critical Thinking Multiple Choice Answer Sheet (for final exam) - FREE
Tuesday Oct 31
Pre-reading activity - Lord of the Flies Survival Scenario (in class)
Wednesday Nov 1
set up Word Wall in class
- It works out best to print the title/author page and learning target page on colored paper so that they stand out against the sea of words on the wall. Write each vocabulary word neatly on a card. You will need several hundred 3 x 5 index cards, a brand-new roll of narrow masking tape, and a brand-new black fine point Sharpie.
If you haven't already done Connotations and Denotations, do it now. Have students reflect on the words before you pass out the book. Do they overall seem to have more negative or positive connotations?
Thursday Nov 2
Chapter One questions in class
assign chapter 2 for HW
Friday Nov 3
Chapter Two questions in class
assign chapter 3 for HW
Monday Nov 6
Chapter Three group read aloud in class, assign students to read dialogue (Jack, Ralph, Simon)
assign chapter three questions for HW
Tuesday Nov 7
assign chapter 4 and chapter 4 questions for HW
Thursday Nov 9
Chapter Four cooperative annotation exercise in class
assign chapter 5 and Chapter Check for HW
Friday Nov 10
Chapter Five questions in class
chapter quote coloring pages (pages 4 & 7) in class
assign annotation exercise (two options) for HW
Monday Nov 13
teacher read Chapter Six aloud in class
assign chapter questions and second
annotation exercise for HW
Tuesday Nov 14
assign chapter 7 and chapter 7 questions for HW
Thursday Nov 15
teacher read Chapter Eight aloud in class
assign chapter 8 questions for HW
chapter 8 quote coloring page (p.2) for HW
Friday Nov 16
cooperative annotation exercise (two options) in class
Autumn Break
Monday Nov 27
assign chapter 9 and chapter 9 questions for HW
Tuesday Nov 28
chapter 9 quote coloring page (p.5) in class
cooperative annotation exercise in class
chapter 10 and chapter 11 for HW
Thursday Nov 30
Chapter Ten and Chapter Eleven questions in class
cooperative 11 annotation exercise in class
assign chapter 12 for HW
Friday Dec 1
Chapter Twelve questions orally in class
chapter quote coloring page (p.6) for HW
Monday Dec 4
print materials from Bridge to Terabithia packet, pass out and complete plot diagram (pp.103-105) and elements of a story (pp.110-112) in class
pass out smiley-face tricks (p.116), revised essay prompts (below), and rubrics for both essays (pp.123, 125) for HW
Expository (Persuasive) Essay Writing Prompt
Think back to our first novel study of the year, Bridge to Terabithia. In that book, as well as this one, a major character died. How did you feel about it in that book? How did Leslie’s death contribute to the development of the theme? Now consider Lord of the Flies. Look back at the plot diagram you completed, and think about the elements of the story. How would the story have been different if Piggie had just been injured and the conch had not been shattered? Do you think that Piggie in Lord of the Flies had to die? Why or why not? Answer this question in a five paragraph essay, using support from the novel and your own experience.
Length – 300 to 600 words
Narrative Essay Writing Prompt
Your assignment is to either write a new ending to this story, or to add on to the story that has already been written. What happened to Ralph, Jack, and the rest of the boys after they were rescued? How would the story have ended if the ship hadn’t shown up? Be creative!
Length – 300 to 600 words
assign outline of expository essay and rough draft of narrative essay for HW
Tuesday Dec 5
assign rough draft of expository essay and revision of narrative essay for HW
Thursday Dec 7
assign revision of expository essay and final draft of narrative essay for HW
Friday Dec 8
assign final draft of expository essay for HW
Dec 11
"Tweet Me" activity, also chapter quote coloring page (p.1), add hashtags to her
list of suggestions #everything adults would do, #what went wrong
Tuesday Dec 12
Culminating activity - set up Stations
- Archetypal Symbolism
- Microcosm of Society
- Biblical Allegory
- Piggy's Map
- Character Cards
- Frieze
- Emotion on a Stick
- Venn Diagram
- Portrait of Beast
- Pass the Bag
- Dynamic Character Mask
Test - Lord of the Flies Multiple Choice Assessment (open book test for HW)
This post contains affiliate links to the materials I actually use for homeschooling. I hope you find them helpful. Thank you for your support!
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