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students get their button assortments for our
this is a really easy way to understand the evolution of bartering
and all you need is a dish of vintage buttons
the beginning of our conversation about < con >
making a sugar/water density tower in Science Club

we learned about density as a precursor to Black Holes
and floating an egg in water
(add salt to the water to change its density until the egg floats)
cans of diet soda float and cans of regular soda don't
everyone was fascinated by this experiment
artificial sweetener is sweeter so less is needed... and it's just enough
to change the density of the soda can in relationship to water
my newest Montessori Sensorial early childhood material
Chad brings samples of lampworking millefiori coins
these are handmade glass coins which can actually
be used as currency at glass shows
students share their foreign coin collections with the group
coincidentally, two students bring in Malaysian money!
so we get to see an older and a newer bill,
before and after changes made to prevent counterfeiting
the transparent window is so cool
our pussy willow branches are sprouting shoots
so we go outside on a very rainy morning to plant them
in the mud
starting plant experiments on the Nature table:
avocado seed and sweet potato in the back
celery and bok choy in the front
weaving is all the rage in the Early Childhood group
our Backyard Biome tapestry
using our coffee mill to grind millet for porridge
mmm... we can't wait for
this child really loves grinding and stays with it for a long time
shadow puppetry of Grimm's Sweet Porridge fairy tale
everyone takes a turn being the storyteller
I simply folded a sheet and placed it over the chalk rail
of our chalkboard, held in place with large playstand clips
starting our second block of Zoology
looking at animals in groups, as representative of
body systems in Human Physiology
Nervous System - birds, rodents
Cardiovascular System - carnivores
Digestive System - ruminants
working with a partner to read poems for two voices
made by Emily O'Connor, a wonderful SWI tutor who made cards
that match the way she, being dyslexic, sees & thinks about words
to research words
making word sums
reviewing the formation of elements inside stars
giant stars can form many more elements
(even before going supernova)
researching animals for the Zoology MLB
enjoying making porridge with a variety of grains
with tropical fruits
creating and playing on a seesaw
working as a team, discussing the building process
play evolves at different ages & stages!
we see parallel play in younger children
and in the oldest children, we see hanging out and chatting
walking and talking in happy companionship
using the primary colors to do a wet-on-wet
painting of the Harvest Mouse
Step 1: a watercolor wash in yellow
Step 2: brushstrokes of grass in blue
Step 3: a little mouse in red

this is one of my absolute favorite paintings
I learned it from Jean Miller years ago at
making clay pots for Mother's Day
pressing shells into the clay to make designs
and experiment with textures
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