January - February
long discussion in our Yahoo group about lazure how-to & links
(Yahoo has now closed all groups but the notes are on my website)
I'm determined to learn lazure so that I can be a real Waldorf mom
2018 (twelve years later)
do-it-yourself lazure kit from Charles & Karen Andrade is at my door
ok! now I can check something off of my Waldorf bucket list!
March - November
I procrastinate because I'm scared I will mess it up
in fact, for months I don't even open the box
this turns out to be a big problem because packed in the little box the brushes are not being stored correctly and so the bristles get warped
(they should be stored standing up on the bristles, not lying down)
I buy Dick Bruin and Attie Lichthart's new book, Painting at School: A Handbook for Elementary and Secondary Education in Waldorf Schools and discover that it has information about lazure in it, which gets me excited again. "Rudolf Steiner's color recommendations for school buildings," pp.67-71, explains how to do the technique and gives the color schemes recommended by Steiner for the Goethe School in Hamburg (1925), the Stuttgart barracks (1922-1923), and the London school (1925).
Painting at School
by Dick Bruin & Attie Lichthart
I finally decide to move Zac out of his bedroom and lazure it
(this is a safe project because it's the smallest room in the house; also
it's my Winter Break so I have two weeks off from teaching and I'm confident I can get it done)
Thursday, December 27
patch hole in wall
Saturday, December 28
sand patch, wash walls, tape around windows, doors, and trim
for the month of January
prime Zac's walls and the black marker scribbles... over and over
lazure must be done on a background of ABSOLUTELY PURE white
I'm frustrated because I'm not getting it done very swiftly and, meanwhile, Zac has no bedroom
Thursday, January 31
ultimately I take off painter's tape and just move Zac back into his pure white bedroom
February - August
Zac, who is three years old, writes on the walls of his primed pure white bedroom, so we paint it Orchid House (from Valspar) and turn it into the Science Room
for our homeschool co-op, Little Bluestem. I move Zac into my bedroom so that I can monitor him. When he stops writing on the walls of rooms, he can have his own bedroom again!
One day while I'm teaching, Zac (still three years old) gets into the lazure supplies, because I left them out in the hallway, and opens the little bottles. Much of the paint ends up on the floor and is wasted.
Sunday, September 1
I decide that a bedroom, even a tiny one, is too ambitious of a project since I'm apparently terrified of lazure. I go looking for something smaller. I choose the one odd partial wall in our downstairs stairwell. This will be easy to get to and needs painting anyway, since it is currently covered with muddy fingerprints.
- Monday, January 4
I decide that I am probably never going to lazure anything, so I add the paint (which is almost exactly like Stockmar concentrated watercolor paint) to the art room shelves and I put the brushes away in the attic. Just on the off chance that I will want them someday...
So, much of my life goes like this. I collect things eagerly -- like any other teacher and homeschooling mom -- and then there is a large discrepancy between what I own and what I actually use. Yet, many of the things I have would be useful to someone else! Lazure brushes are expensive and beautiful. They are not ever going in the trash. I feel the same way about the rest of my curriculum things, but there's a lot I don't use that I either bought, or someone donated to me, or I got several copies of it from back when the Lending Library was going strong (I have lots of duplicate books).
And therefore my New Year's Resolution is to spend January and February deep cleaning and organizing ALL of my teaching things and selling on eBay what I do not need. This includes my Library, all of my file cabinets, and my Art Room, Handwork Room, and Science Room.
It's a big job but COVID is the perfect time to do it. And, since I fall in the category of people who buy everything online that they possibly can, only pick up their groceries at the curb, and have not seen their family or had a haircut since last February, I will be shipping everything USPS Priority Mail in Flat Rate Shipping boxes that do not need to be weighed.
I can pack it all up neatly and carefully, pay for the shipping and schedule a pickup online, and set it out on my doorstep. Easy!
So my plan is to NOT write any blog posts until this job is done and to use this post as a place to update what I have listed on eBay in case anyone is interested in any of the auctions. I will put things together into lots, bundles, and kits, so even if you get a book you'll get a few bonus things with it that may be useful for a lesson. I will keep this list strictly up to date and if I know where something came from -- and it's still available -- I'll include the link to it. That way if you miss out on an auction you still know where to find it. And if I change my mind later and want to buy it again, I can! Enjoy!
My goal is to tidy & organize for 3 hours a day and list 3 auctions a day.
I used to be able to sell things on my Yahoo group but time marches on...
After doing the math I have realized that because I was selling things so reasonably and because eBay's fees are so high, I have actually been losing money on these auctions the entire time. So, with deepest regret, I am no longer using eBay as a way to pass my teaching items on to other families.
Early Childhood
Earthways: Simple Environmental Activities for Young Children
by Carol Petrash
plus All Year Round: A Calendar of Celebrations by Ann Druitt, et al., Painting with Children by Brunhild Müller, 18 twig pencils, and two handmade flower fairies
Creative Play the Steiner Waldorf Way: Expertise and Toy Projects for Your 2-4 Year Old
by Christopher Clouder & Janni Nicol
plus Balanced and Barefoot: How Unrestricted Outdoor Play Makes for Strong, Confident, and Capable Children by Angela J. Hanscom, The Twelve Gifts of Birth by Charlene Costanzo, ten board books, and a hand-knitted star gnome made with plant-dyed wool yarn + pattern
Making Peg Dolls
by Margaret Bloom
plus The Gigantic Turnip by Aleksei Tolstoy, needle felted turnip, large felting sponge (8" x 10" x 2"), 2 felting needles, 3 packs of Ashford wool purchased from A Child's Dream: Corriedale Sliver Rainbow Brights, Corriedale Sliver Pastels, English Leicester Rainbow Brights
Max Found Two Sticks
by Brian Pinkney
plus My Mama Had a Dancing Heart by Libba Moore Gray, a rainstick, three pairs of cymbals, three pairs of rhythm sticks, 12 pieces of driftwood and two pieces of sandpaper (100 and 220), a wood block, a train whistle, two flower whistles, a pair of Kindermusik shaker eggs, and four clean coconut shell halves for making horse sounds
Allegro: Music for the Eurythmy Curriculum
by Elisabeth Lebret
plus Eurythmy: Balance of Body and Soul DVD, two pairs of Mercurius eurythmy slippers (white 27, black 40), and a hand-crocheted organic cotton eurythmy slipper bag
Animal Kingdom puzzle (36 pcs)
by Ravensburger
plus "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" puzzle (24 pcs), My First Animal Activity Book by Kristy Bonning-Gould, and
Logic Puzzles for
Clever Kids by Molly Lynch
Animal Upon Animal Stacking Game
by Haba
plus Pancake Pile-Up! game by Educational Insights, and Zoo Animals: Search and Find & Ocean Animals: Search and Find by Bethanie and Josh Hestermann
by Ravensburger
plus Draw Me a Circle by Robyn Supraner, The Maisy Game by Briarpatch, Moms and Babies Puzzle by Trend Enterprises, three pairs of play dough scissors, and my favorite Chocolate Play Dough recipe
On the Night You Were Born
by Nancy Tillman
plus a set of three train car birthday ring ornaments by Grimm's
250 mL bottles (half full) of Stockmar Circle Color watercolor paint (red, blue, yellow)
plus cherry paint jar holder from Camden Rose (three small jars for paint, one large
jar for rinse water) and 2 Mercurius brushes size 22
First Grade
L M N O P and All the Letters A to Z
by Howard Schrager and Bruce Bischof
plus the spiral-bound Christopherus First Grade Syllabus and Shelley Davidow's The Wise Enchanter: A Journey Through the Alphabet
The Invisible Boy
by Trudy Ludwig
plus The Art of Miss Chew by Patricia Polacco, Andy and His Yellow Frisbee by Mary Thompson, What Is Empathy? by Amanda Morin and John Joseph, and Buddhism for Kids: 40 Activities, Meditations, and Stories for Everyday Calm, Happiness, and Awareness by Emily Burke
First Grade and Higher
Form Drawing: Grades One Through Four
by Laura Embrey-Stine and Ernst Schuberth
plus Form Drawing for Beginners by Donna Simmons & ribbon stick
and Form Drawing by Hans Niederhauser and Margaret Frohlich
Making Math Meaningful: A Source Book for Teaching Math in Grades One Through Five (first edition)
by Nettie Fabrie, Wim Gottenbos, and Jamie York
plus Snow White and the Seven Dwarves set of figures, felting needle
Painting and Drawing in Waldorf Schools: Classes 1 to 8
by Thomas Wildgruber
plus 12 Derwent watercolor pencils, 24 Conté crayons, charcoal
Creative Form Drawing with Children Aged 6-10
by Angela Lord
plus Form Drawing for Beginners by Donna Simmons, Creative Form Drawing: Workbook 1 by Rudolf Kutzli, The "Write" Approach book 1: Form Drawing for Better Handwriting by Joen Gladich and Paula Sassi
Eric Sloane's Weather Almanac: A Classic Illustrated Guide to Weather Folklore and Forecasting
by Eric Sloane
plus many other things for Nature Study:
Nature Anatomy Notebook: A Place to Track and Draw Your Daily Observations by Julia Rothman,
The Metamorphosis of Plants by Goethe, sunprint paper, 34 paint chips, 7 labeled leaf shapes, terminology for 11 leaf types, 3 cloud postcards (cirrus, stratus, cumulus), laminated Weather three part cards (16 terms) AND All About Snow three part cards (12 terms) from Montessori for Everyone
An English Manual for the Elementary Grades
by Dorothy Harrer
plus The Wise Enchanter: A Journey Through the Alphabet by Shelley Davidow and Text Structures From Fairy Tales: Truisms That Help Students Write About Abstract Concepts . . . and Live Happily Ever After by Gretchen Bernabei & Judith Reimer (for essays in grade 8)
Level 1: The Tasty Treat
by Tracey Hecht
early readers level 2: The Slithery Shakedown, The Moonlight Meeting, The Peculiar Possum and
level 3: The Chestnut Challenge, The Kooky Kinkajou,
as well as four
chapter books:
The Mysterious Abductions,
The Ominous Eye,
The Fallen Star,
The Hidden Kingdom
Spelling Power Activity Task Cards
by Beverly Adams-Gordon
plus The Boy Who Loved Words by Roni Schotter, Mesmerized: How Ben Franklin Solved a Mystery that Baffled All of France by Mara Rockliff, Word Roots task cards by ETC Montessori, Greek & Latin Roots Bingo by Virtually Montessori, "Go Root" game, Dictionary of Word Origins: The Histories of More Than 8,000 English-Language Words by John Ayto, and 9 laminated sheets by Virtually Montessori: Roots, Prefixes, Example Words, Derivatives
The Book Hog
by Greg Pizzoli
plus the other two 2020 Geisel honor books Flubby is Not a Good Pet! by J.E. Morris and
Chick and Brain: Smell My Foot! by Cece Bell, a Phonics Storybook and a Sight Words Storybook, and four biographies for new readers:
The Story of George Washington by Lisa Trusiani,
The Story of Abraham Lincoln by Carla Jablonski,
The Story of Harriet Tubman by Christine Platt,
The Story of Frida Kahlo by Susan B. Katz
The Wild Year Book: Things to Do Outdoors Through the Seasons
by Fiona Danks and Jo Schofield
plus The Fantastic Rainy Day Book: More Than 60 Step-by-Step Projects to Paint, Build, Make, Bake, Sew and Grow by Angela Wilkes and 45 laminated Montessori command cards for 8 subjects
The Woman Who Saved Things
by Phyllis Krasilovsky
plus The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds and 56 loose piano keys for art projects
Awesome Brain Games for Kids: Puzzles and Facts for Curious Minds
by Toni Cameron
plus Adventure Girls! Crafts and Activities for Curious, Creative, Courageous Girls by Nicole Duggan, Portrait Drawing for Kids: A Step-by-Step Guide to Drawing Faces by Angela Rizza, Mission: Diamond Heist game, Fumbling Ferrets board game, and a set of handy-dandy Knot Tying Cards with Mini Carabiner
Stop! Bot!
by James Yang
plus 7 more early readers:
Hidden Animals by Millicent E. Selsam,
When an Animal Grows by Millicent E. Selsam,
Baltimore Orioles by Barbara Brenner,
A Kiss for Little Bear by Elsa Holmelund Minarik,
Ty's Travels: Zip, Zoom! by Kelly Starling Lyons,
Fox the Tiger by Corey Tabor,
Ruby Bridges Goes to School: My True Story by Ruby Bridges
Good Earth Art: Environmental Art for Kids
by MaryAnn Kohl
plus a HUGE amount -- 15 pounds -- of incredible laser cut wood pieces perfect for art projects (Lot #1)
Norman the Doorman
by Don Freeman
plus The Junkyard Wonders by Patricia Polacco and a HUGE amount -- 10 pounds -- of laser cut wood pieces perfect for art projects (Lot #2)
Second Grade
unabridged volume of Aesop's Fables
plus chopsticks and two dishes for acting out "The Fox and the Stork"
and Making Picture Books with Movable Figures by Brunhild Müller + Filana organic beeswax crayons for "The Hare and the Tortoise," and 2 handmade wool felt finger puppets for "The Fox and the Hedgehog"
Native American Design Image Archive
by Dover (with brand new CD-ROM)
plus five Native American legend picture books: The Rough-Face Girl by Rafe Martin,
The First Fire by Brad Wagnon and Alex Stephenson, Her Seven Brothers by Paul
Goble, The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush by Tomie dePaola,
Ka-ha-si and the Loon by Terri Cohlene
Ada Lovelace, Poet of Science: The First Computer Programmer
by Diane Stanley
plus Odd
Boy Out: Young Albert Einstein by Don Brown,
Star Stuff: Carl Sagan and the Mysteries of the Cosmos by Stephanie Roth Sisson,
George Crum and the Saratoga Chip by Gaylia Taylor,
Winged Wonders: Solving the Monarch Migration Mystery by Meeg Pincus
Stories of the Saints
retold by Siegwart Knijpenga
plus The Life of Saint Brigid: Abbess of Kildare by Jane Meyer and Columban by Jakob Streit
Hildegard of Bingen: Scientist, Composer, Healer, and Saint
by Demi
plus Saint Bernadette and the Miracles
of Lourdes by Demi, The Wonderful Life of Russia's Saint Sergius of Radonezh
by Alvin Alexsi Currier, African Saints, African Stories: 40
Holy Men and Women by Camille Lewis Brown, Abba Moses: Notorious Robber, Desert
Father by Andrew Votipka, and Saints and Heroes by Donna Simmons
Pattern Bugs
by Trudy Harris
plus TWO brand-new Maple Multiplication Rings from Etsy shop FromJennifer, x fact bookmarks, x board (5x5) with 27 marbles
The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins
by Dr. Seuss
plus laminated Teen Boards from Montessori Print Shop, 24 loose piano keys to put in order, a 10-sided die, green/blue/red colored pencils from Nienhuis, 50 glass gems in each color green/blue/red, 9 peg dolls, Place Value Stamps and two gold brush markers from Great Extensions, and Golden Bead Material from Nienhuis: 10 golden unit beads, 10 ten bars, 10 hundred squares of 100 individual beads & one thousand cube of 1000 individual beads
Solar System for Kids: A Junior Scientist's Guide to Planets, Dwarf Planets, and Everything Circling Our Sun
by Hilary Statum
plus Large Bead Frame, Dot Exercise Paper, Nienhuis Flat Bead Frame (no number tiles) and the Nienhuis Flat Bead Frame Activity Set
Trickiest! 19 Sneaky Animals
by Steve Jenkins
plus three more books of animal facts (Stinkiest!, Speediest!, Deadliest!), a 10-sided die, 100 glass gems in each Stamp Game color, 50 glass gems in each Decimal Stamp Game color, 9 peg dolls in each size (small, medium large) for Decurian and Centurian Division, silver Sharpie, and lots of math worksheets (Bead Stair, Teen Beads, Counting to 100, Place Value, Greater Than - Less Than)
Proof! The Fast Paced Game of Mental Math Magic!
plus Monster
Sock Factory by Logic Roots, Square Up! The Fast and Furious Slide-Puzzle Game by Mindware, and a
10-sided die for playing the Dice Game
Third Grade
Noah's Ark in Paper and Card
by Charlotte Gerlings
plus vintage hardcover Legends of the Bible by Louis Ginzberg
and Beautiful Bible Stories retold by Patricia Summerlin Martin
Houses of Adobe (Native Dwellings)
by Bonnie Shemie
plus a set of four clay tools and two Zuni legends:
Sunflower's Promise by Gloria Dominic and The Turkey Girl by Penny Pollock
Cain and Abel: Finding the Fruits of Peace
by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
plus Adam & Eve's Sunset: God's New Day and God's Painbrush
and the December 2018 issue of National Geographic Magazine
How Did That Get in My Lunchbox? The Story of Food
by Chris Butterworth
plus organic seeds (Cherry Belle radish, Gourmet Baby Greens lettuce), Farming the Land: Modern Farmers and Their Machines by Jerry Bushey, A Chicken Followed Me Home! Questions and Answers About a Familiar Fowl by Robin Page, PIG by Jules Older, and UnBEElievables: Honeybee Poems and Paintings by Douglas Florian
Project Garden: A Month-by-Month Guide to Planting, Growing, and Enjoying ALL Your Backyard Has to Offer
by Stacy Tornio
plus organic seeds (Sweet Bell Blend pepper, Rainbow Blend cherry tomato, Scallop Blend pattypan squash, Easter Egg Blend radish, Painted Hill sweet corn, Di Cicco broccoli, Danvers 126 carrot, Black Beauty zucchini), Earth, Plant, and Compost by William Brinton, book from The Secret Garden Activity Set, audiobook of The Secret Garden read by Wanda McCaddon, and 5 pcs of 11" x 14" Ghostline posterboard preprinted with 1/2 inch grid for drawing garden beds
P Is for Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever
by Raj Haldar and Chris Carpenter
plus The English Grammar Workbook for Adults: A Self-Study Guide to Improve Functional Writing by Michael DiGiacomo, Dictionary of Word Origins by John Ayto, the 2019 LEX calendar created by Gina Cooke, and The Valentine Bears by Eve Bunting
From Cotton to T-Shirt
by Robin Nelson
plus 10 cotton seeds, boll from cotton plant, three hanks of cotton yarn tied for dyeing, annatto & a ball of Coboo cotton/bamboo yarn
A New Coat for Anna
by Harrier Ziefert
plus wool batting dyed with blueberries, four colors of wool roving, a drop spindle, alpaca/silk fiber, and a bag of raw wool for washing
Vincent's Colors
by Vincent van Gogh
plus a wood Montessori Grammar Stencil from Waseca Biomes, 10 colored pencils from Nienhuis, Grammar nomenclature and Sentence Analysis materials printed from Montessori for Everyone,
and two "Literature for Grammar" packets from Mandala Classroom Resources (Intermediate and Upper Level)
Traditional Houses from Around the World
by A.G. Smith
plus Teifoc Watermill Brick Construction Kit (TEI 4030), an assortment of 250+ loose bricks, 4 trowels, 3 dishes, extra corn-based mortar
Chickadee (Birchbark House #4)
by Louise Erdrich
plus a large assortment of Lincoln Logs (372 wood pieces, no plastic)
Fourth Grade
The Story of Life: A First Book about Evolution
by Catherine Barr and Steve Williams
plus The Story of Space and The Story of People, and a blank 8" x 8" scrapbooking calendar for making a Timeline of Life Calendar
Stinkbugs & Other Bugs
by Mary Packard
plus laminated full-color Arthropod Classification chart and three-part cards from Montessori for Everyone, The Private Eye loupe & lanyard, portion of a horseshoe crab shell
By Pond and River
by Arabella Buckley
plus The Private Eye loupe & lanyard, Insects Punch-Out Stencils by John Emil Cymerman, Coloring Butterflies by Diana Vowles, The Book of Beetles: A Life-Size Guide to Six Hundred of Nature's Gems by Patrice Bouchard, and 12 Montessori Animal Story cards (differential grasshopper, bumblebee, green darner, ladybug beetle, cockroach, horse fly, red ant, monarch butterfly, sandhills hornet, pyralis firefly, mosquito, praying mantis)
by Wildrid Swancourt Bronson
plus 10 fact cards about frogs & toads, and two sets each of 12 Montessori Animal Story cards -- full color and laminated -- for turtles & tortoises (Green Turtle
Wood Turtle,
Desert Tortoise,
Western Pond Turtle,
Spiny Softshell,
Southern Painted Turtle,
Spotted Turtle,
Common Mud Turtle,
Northern Diamondback Terrapin,
Alligator Snapping Turtle,
Yellow-blotched Sawback) and birds (Red-Tailed Hawk,
Golden Eagle,
Northern Goshawk,
Turkey Vulture,
Bald Eagle,
King Vulture,
American Kestrel,
Swallow-Tailed Kite,
Crested Caracara,
Peregrine Falcon,
African Fish Eagle)
One Small Square: Backyard
by Donald Silver
plus The Private Eye loupe & lanyard, three guidebooks (Snakes, Reptiles and Amphibians, and Butterflies Through Binoculars: A Field Guide to Butterflies in the Boston - New York - Washington Region), The Most Unusual Pet Ever: Henry Our Great Blue Heron and His Adventures by Sondra Perry, and Bird Log Kids by DeAnna Brandt
Hawaiian Tales of Heroes and Champions
by Vivian L. Thompson
plus Hawaiian Legends of Tricksters and Riddlers by Vivian L. Thompson, The Legends And Myths Of Hawaii: The Fables and Folk-Lore of a Strange People by
King of Hawaii David Kalakaua, and How the B-52 Cockroach Learned to Fly by Lisa Matsumoto
Fifth Grade
A Small Dog's Big Life: Around The World With Owney
by Irene Kelly
plus 10 notecards, 11 envelopes, 1 sheet of New York City stickers,
9 vintage postcards, 4 stamps, and four additional epistolary picture books: Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett, Dear Mr. Blueberry by Simon James, Stringbean's Trip to the Shining Sea by Vera B. Williams, Love, Mouserella by David Ezra Stein (and a ketchup packet)
Chapters from Ancient History
by Dorothy Harrer
plus Celtic Mythology for Kids by Christopher Pinard, Goddess Power: A Kids' Book of Greek & Roman Mythology by Yung In Chae, Nile Crossing by Katy Beebe,
Life in Ancient Egypt by Adolf Erman, and six lbs of kosher salt for starting a mummy project
New Kid
by Jerry Craft (2020 Newbery winner)
plus 8 other Newbery award winning books: Holes by Louis Sachar (1999),
Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse (1998),
The Giver by Lois Lowry (1994),
Missing May by Cynthia Rylant (1993),
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson (1978),
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg (1968),
The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare (1962), and
The Twenty-One Balloons by William Pene Dubois (1948)
Children of the Earth and Sky: Five Stories About Native American Children
by Stephen Krensky
plus Woodland Indians Coloring Book by Peter Copeland, Southeast Indians Coloring Book by Peter Copeland, Plains Indians Coloring Book by Alan Rickman
The Paper Crane
by Molly Bang
plus Three Part Card Tray from Waseca Biomes and the complete set of Geometry Nomenclature from NAMC for making three part cards
by Charles Kovacs
plus Shanleya's Quest: A Botany Adventure by Thomas J. Elpel and Tree of Life: The Incredible Biodiversity of Life on Earth by Rochelle Strauss
Sixth Grade
The Dragon Grammar Book: Grammar for Kids, Dragons, and the Whole Kingdom
by Diane Mae Robinson
plus a wood Montessori Grammar Stencil from Waseca Biomes
and "Literature for Grammar" packet from Mandala Classroom Resources
What Life Was Like: When Rome Ruled the World
from the series by Time-Life
plus Life of a Roman Slave by Don Nardo, The Roman Colosseum by Don Nardo, Roman Arch nomenclature from Montessori for Everyone, Geron and Virtus: A Fateful Encounter of Two Youths, a German and a Roman by Jakob Streit, Roman Britain Trilogy by Rosemary Sutcliff: The Eagle of the Ninth, The Silver Branch, The Lantern Bearers
Help! My Science Project Is Due Tomorrow! Easy Experiments You Can Do Overnight
by Janice VanCleave
49 laminated color-coded cards of science experiments from the book
plus "Steps of the Scientific Method" and 6 pine cones for card #31
A Big Mooncake for Little Star
by Grace Lin
plus Moon Phases Flipbook activity & foam balls for making a model,
and book & constellation cards from Seeing Stars by Charles Hoban
Augustus Caesar's World 44 BC to AD 14
by Genevieve Foster
plus Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome by Charles Kovacs
and Milon and the Lion by Jakob Streit
Geometry and the Imagination
by A. Renwick Sheen
plus String, Straight-edge & Shadow by Julia Diggins and
Mars Comfort 551 Precision Compass made by Staedtler
Roadside Geology of Utah
by Halka Chronic
plus The Pebble in My Pocket: A History of Our Earth by Meredith Hooper, Herbivores and Carnivores by "Dinosaur George" Blasing, The Thousand-Mile Summer: In Desert and High Sierra by Colin Fletcher, a vintage postcard of the Grand Canyon, and the Washington Student Rock Pack with 40 small specimens for testing and identification
Henri Matisse: Drawing with Scissors
by Keesia Johnson and Jane O'Connor
plus Caldecott winner Radiant Child: The Story of Young Artist Jean-Michel Basquiat by Javaka Steptoe, Henry Ossawa Tanner: His Boyhood Dream Comes True by Faith Ringgold, and 24 laminated Research Guides from Montessori for Everyone (Art & Music, Geography, Geographic Features, Plant & Animal, History, Astronomy)
Seventh Grade
Older Than the Stars
by Karen C. Fox
plus "Parts of the Atom" nomenclature, "First 20 Elements" three part cards, molecule kit, and assorted element cards for board games and classroom activities
Eighth Grade
Grover Cleveland, Again! A Treasury of American Presidents
by Ken Burns
plus Truth or Lie Presidents by Erica Perl, Dust for Dinner by Ann Turner, Out of the Dust (1998 Newbery winner) by Karen Hesse, and The Friendship Doll by Kirby Larson
Seberson Method: New SAT® Vocabulary Workbook: Over 700 High-Frequency Words to Master
by Katya Seberson
plus three sets of work from the Upper Elementary Word Study by ETC Montessori (Acronyms, Foreign Words Used in the English Language, Commonly Misused Words) and Concept board game
The Undefeated
by Kwame Alexander (2020 Caldecott winner)
plus Duke Ellington: The Piano
Prince and His Orchestra by Andrea Davis Pinkney, Freedom Summer by Deborah Wiles, Belle,
the Last Mule at Gee's Bend: A Civil Rights Story by Calvin Alexander Ramsey & Bettye Stroud, The Secret Garden of George Washington Carver by Gene Barratta and 30 packets of plant seeds, The Tin Heart by Karen Ackerman and two Melissa and Doug friendship bracelet kits
High School
Making Math Meaningful: A Source Book for Teaching High School Math
by Jamie York
Montessori Only
NAMC Upper Elementary Curriculum Montessori Checklists
NAMC Botany, Matter & Astronomy, and Physical Geography binders Lower El (ages 6-9)
NAMC Practical Life binder Lower El (ages 6-9) and homemade Practical Life binder for Upper El (ages 9-12)
NAMC History and Cultural Geography binders Lower El (ages 6-9)
NAMC Health Sciences, Art & Music binder Lower El (ages 6-9), homemade Music binder for Lower El (ages 6-9), and homemade Music and Art binders for Upper El (ages 9-12)
NAMC Classroom Guide Elementary (ages 6-12), homemade Classroom Management binders for Lower El (ages 6-9) and Upper El (ages 9-12), articles and handouts for Montessori Philosophy and Educational Theory
NAMC Zoology and Science Experiments binder Lower El (ages 6-9)
NAMC Language Arts binder Lower El (ages 6-9) plus Grammar Stencil from Waseca Biomes, Sentence Analysis Stencil from Mandala Classroom Resources, 5 Sentence Analysis Charts from Mandala Classroom Resources, and some sample sentences for symbolizing
As of March 1st, our homeschool co-op is resuming in-person school in our Outdoor Classroom. I have spent more time than I expected preparing for that transition and less time sorting through my rooms of teaching things... however, I will commit to posting new listings on eBay each Saturday. Please check back and see if there's something new that interests you! I'll keep this blog post always up to date.
This post contains affiliate links to materials I truly use for homeschooling. Qualifying purchases provide me with revenue. Thank you for your support!