Saturday, May 7, 2022

Six Books for the Second Grade Year

Yes! Just because there were eight books on the First Grade Booklist, doesn't mean there must be precisely eight books each year!

As a matter of fact, six of the books from the First Grade list will carry over (all except The Wise Enchanter and the LMNOP Laminated Wall Cards) AND many of the stories that are useful for Second Grade will be available at your public library. I would focus on just a few resources that you may need to purchase...

I would reserve the bulk of your 2nd grade budget for the Montessori math materials that you feel are a good fit for your child. Column Algorithms / Place Value is a key focus of Second Grade and the Montessori materials are the best in the world for this!

Here is my list of six recommended titles. What are your favorite teacher resource books as you prepare for this grade level?

UPDATE: This is the booklist I recommended for folks in the Second Grade Immersive Experience course (which will contain all of my bullet point notes, photos, and videos... day by day... from our entire year as Zac and I go through it). There are only 10 spaces left. Join and follow along with us!!

If you are working with a very tight budget, the following two resources are excellent and they are comprehensive enough to guide you from Grade 1 all the way through to Grade 12: The Tasks and Content of the Steiner-Waldorf Curriculum edited by Martyn Rawson, Tobias Richter, and Kevin Avison and the Waldorf Curriculum Chart edited by David Mitchell.

Just found this lovely list of Waldorf Grade 2 Book Recommendations by Waldorf Publications.

This post contains affiliate links to materials I truly use for homeschooling. Qualifying purchases provide me with revenue. Thank you for your support!

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