Saturday, November 19, 2022

Puppet Inventory

As part of getting ready for December, I'm working on an inventory of our existing puppets (marionettes, finger puppets, table puppets, rod puppets, and hand puppets).

Sadly one of the Moulin Roty La Grande Famille soft velour hand puppets that my girls had when they were small was damaged this summer at Touch of Nature. But I still have Agathe the cat, Charlotte the cow, Julius the dog, Nini the mouse, and Sylvain the rabbit.

La Grande Famille also includes Albert the lamb, Amédée the duck, Apolline the mole, Arsène the squirrel, Barbabé the donkey, Blanche the doe, Camille the turtle, Emile the hedgehog, Félicie the hen, Gaspard the fox, Gaston the raccoon, Hugo the horse, Igor the wolf, Isidore the owl, Jeanne the second duck, Léon the hedgehog, Mimosa the second cat, Perlette the frog, Philémon the pig, Pierrette the goat, Simon the raccoon, Victor the badger, and more.

And they have interchangeable clothes, which is super fun. I love these puppets so if we need some for a fable retelling I'll gladly get more. They are getting hard to find here, so the best thing is to order from France.

Walter the Scottish Terrier

NOT on the French website
available on Amazon!

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