Monday, June 24, 2024

Articles About Education

Every once in awhile, I find an article in the The New York Times about teaching that I want to keep. Whether it's about the advantages of one room schoolhouses, progressive education, or portfolio assessment... or the struggles of the current generation of boys... it's one I want to read again and again. So I'll keep that list here, in case anyone else finds it interesting.

As Boys Struggle, Men Who Teach Kindergarten Step In
Jun 23, 2024

A School With 7 Students: Inside the ‘Microschools’ Movement
Jun 17, 2024

Sign Right Here: The Parents Pledging to Keep Kids Phone-Free
Jun 9, 2024

Boys Get Everything, Except the Thing That’s Most Worth Having
Jun 5, 2024

A Utah Mountain Town Brings Back an Old Idea: The One-Room Schoolhouse
Apr 21, 2024

What Most American Schools Do Wrong
Oct 22, 2023

A Silicon Valley School That Doesn’t Compute
Oct 23, 2011
interesting to look back at this... a decade later!

a photo from a recent special guest visit:

Thad Heckman, architect of the new train station
Mark Bollman, project manager for the city

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Accidental Archaeologists

A student and I are reading Accidental Archaeologists: True Stories of Unexpected Discoveries by Sarah Albee. Here is the list of stories included:

Chapter One: A Blast from the Past
town of Herculaneum (Pompeii was later found nine miles away)

Chapter Two: Etched in Stone
Rosetta Stone

Chapter Three: A Giant in the Field
tomb of Sety I (among other discoveries)

Chapter Four: In a Pile, Crocodile
Tebtunis papyri

Chapter Five: What a Wreck
Greece (Aegean Sea)
Antikythera shipwreck

Chapter Six: Proving a Point
New Mexico, USA
Folsom site

Chapter Seven: Paleo Painters
Lascaux Cave

Chapter Eight: The Case of the Copper Coins
Australia (Marchinbar Island)
Kilwa sultanate coins

Chapter Nine: Scroll Up
West Bank
Dead Sea Scrolls

Chapter Ten: Bogged Down
Tollund Man

Chapter Eleven: Lucky Break
Golden Buddha

Chapter Twelve: Eternally Yours
Terracotta Army

Chapter Thirteen: Temple of Gloom
Templo Mayor

Chapter Fourteen: Grave Considerations
New York, USA
African Burial Ground

Chapter Fifteen: Dead in a Ditch

Chapter Sixteen: Skeleton Key
King Richard III

Chapter Seventeen: The Chamber of Secrets
South Africa
Homo naledi

Chapter Eighteen: You Don't Say
burial site of Genghis Khan

This post contains affiliate links to materials I truly use for homeschooling. Qualifying purchases provide me with revenue. Thank you for your support!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Celestial Navigation in Grade 6

An article in The New York Times this morning made me want to update a post I wrote back in 2020. Here are some notes on teaching Astronomy & Celestial Nativagion in grade 6:

Ancient Shipwreck Preserves a Deep Bronze Age Time Capsule

I recommend doing a main lesson block on Oceania in 6th grade, combining it with the existing Astronomy block done in Waldorf education, and tying in the celestial navigation skills of the peoples of Polynesia and Micronesia.

(My World Geography and Waldorf Education post gives the full scope & sequence of World Geography grade-by-grade.)

Geometry and Geology, both studied in Grade 6, tie in a LOT with this, so I'm feeling confident about the topic suiting this year developmentally.

Geology and Astronomy
by Charles Kovacs

I have not found much for children specifically on Celestial Navigation, so Waldorf teachers would have to do what Steiner, in fact, suggested we should be doing all of the time. Which is to put away the Kovacs read and research on OUR OWN and write our own stories to tell our class! And Maria Montessori actually said the same thing about the Five Great Lessons.

I, like everyone else in education, do not have the time and energy to research everything from scratch for every block I teach, but for this one I think it will definitely be worth it!

Children's books on this topic by James Rumford:

Lesson plans and more kid-friendly explanations:

Here are some resources for adults & background information:

So that's all I have so far!

It does make me think that reading Carry On, Mr. Bowditch would be an excellent idea. First of all, it's a Newbery winner. And, second of all, it's about an expert in celestial navigation (the link is to his bio on the National Maritime Historical Society's "Sea History for Kids" website, which is great)!

Luckily Geometry happens in sixth grade, so you can talk about angles and sextants and octants. Since the sextant and octant are reflecting instruments, that ties in with sixth grade Physics! All making me think this block should fall at the END of the year, perhaps even in the Summer between grades 6 and 7! It is nice to stay up in the summer and stargaze. And homeschoolers have that luxury!

Studying the tools that navigators used in the 1800s, and understanding how they work, will help students see how remarkable it was that Ancient People could navigate with confidence on long voyages without them!

This post contains affiliate links to materials I truly use for homeschooling. Qualifying purchases provide me with revenue. Thank you for your support!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Sieglinde de Francesca

I think I may have ALL of the books by Sieglinde de Francesca! I love her book on drawing with block beeswax crayons using only the primary colors. It's great for grade 1. And her book on teaching the Fables block is an absolute must-have for grade 2. And we adore the Limindoor Woods series!

love these special bookmarks with
The Golden Rules of Gnome!

Right now things are very Limindoor Woods around here.

Zac is reading A Donsy of Gnomes as his SSR book. I am reading the class The Way of Gnome as our lunchtime read aloud story. And Zac's bedtime read aloud is Mother Comfrey, which he got from the Easter Bunny this year. The lavender color of the cover is perfect in an Easter basket!

Zac has read so many of the Boxcar Children books since he absolutely fell in love with reading and now we are looking for something to be a bridge to rows of small print close together. I like the Limindoor Woods books for this because she uses small print but she skips a space between each paragraph. So they are perfect for him. Here are the titles in that series:

The Way of Gnome

sample pages

Gnomes & Friends

sample pages

The Gnomes' Rosette

sample pages

Nine Gnome Nights

sample pages

A Gnome-in-Training

sample pages

Mother Comfrey:
On the Wanders & Wonders of an Exceptional Gnome

The ones we don't have -- and which I just finished ordering for Zac -- are The Seven Sleeps: A Donsy of Gnomes' Dream Adventures and A Mouse & His Gnome: The Quest for the Silver Spring. Also, her website is lovely and I highly recommend checking it out!

I also have her collection of Irish stories, The Guilds of Tir Na nÓg: A Collection of Celtic Dream Tales, but I have not yet had a student read it.

This post contains affiliate links to materials I truly use for homeschooling. Qualifying purchases provide me with revenue. Thank you for your support!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Wildest Places Season 1

I'm working on writing up some Zoology lesson plans for a friend who lives in Australia. It has been great fun to re-conceptualize this classic Waldorf block using Australian animals instead of European or North American ones! It's an amazing continent!

(If you're teaching the Man and Animal block in Waldorf grade 4 as well, join the Ruzuku course and we can plan together and share favorite ideas!)

Ruzuku Course: Man & Animal

As part of my background research, I watched Season 1 of Wildest Places.

Here is a list of all of the animals mentioned in each episode:

Episode 1 - Outback Deserts

    Pink Galah

    Common Blue-tongued Lizard

    Shingleback Lizard

    Honeypot Ant

    Thorny Devil

    Perentie Monitor Lizard v. Emu (egg eaten)

    Red Kangaroo

    Greater Bilby

    Spinifex Hopping Desert Mouse

    Inland Taipan v. Long-haired Rat (eaten)



Episode 2 - Rainforests

    Border Ranges Leaf-tailed Gecko

    Lamington Spiny Crayfish

    Satin Bowerbird

    Australian Brush-turkey v. Carpet Python




    Funnel-web Spider v. Cricket (eaten)

    Rhinoceros Beetle

    Rainbow Stag Beetle

    White-lipped Tree Frog

    Ulysses Butterfly

    Huntsman Spider


    Musky Rat-kangaroo

    Spangled Drongo

    Weaver Ant v. Trap-jaw Ant

    Tasmanian Devil




    Magpie Goose


    Mertens' Water Monitor

    Saltwater Crocodile

    Freshwater Crocodile v. Little Red Flying Fox (eaten)

Episode 3 - The Bush


    Rainbow Lorikeet

    Laughing Kookaburra

    Forest Kingfisher

    Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Tawny Frogmouth

    Honey Possum

    Sugar Glider

    Thick-tailed Gecko

    Golden-tailed Gecko

    Tammar Wallaby


    Bush Stone-curlew

    Mulga Snake


    Compass Termite


    Golden-shouldered Parrot

    Red-bellied Black Snake

    Mulga Snake v. Inland Taipan (eaten)



    Australian Bulldog Ant

    Hibiscus Harlequin Beetle

    Pill Millipede

    Peacock Jumping Spider

    White Crab Spider v. Orange Lacewing Butterfly (eaten)

    Magnificent Spider

    Redback Spider

    Portia Fringed Jumping Spider v. Green Jumping Spider

    Portia Fringed Jumping Spider v. St Andrew's Cross Spider (eaten)

Episode 4 - Wild Coasts

    Humpback Whale

    Bottlenose Dolphin

    Grey Nurse Shark

    Sand Whiting

    Silver Bream


    Light-blue Soldier Crab

    not an animal... these are ancient bacteria-created layered formations of sediment trapped over time in microbial mats!

    Green Turtle


    Bottlenose Dolphin v. Mullet (eaten)

    White-spotted Eagle Ray

    Nervous Shark

    Bull Shark

    Rock Crab

    Kangaroo swimming

    Cowtail Stingray

    Ghost Crab v. Loggerhead Sea Turtle

    Humbug Damselfish

    Neon Damselfish

    Staghorn Coral



    Spangled Emperor

    Sea Pike

    Plate Coral

    Blacktip Reef Shark


    Whale Shark

    Reef Manta Ray

    Spur-throated Locust

    Golden Orb-weaver

    Red-footed Booby

    Hermit Crab

    Horned Ghost Crab

    Brown Land Crab

    Christmas Island Blue Crab

    Coconut Crab v. Christmas Island Red Crab (eaten)

    Brown Booby

    Saltwater Crocodile v. Bull Shark (eaten)

Friday, June 14, 2024

Cob Bread Oven - The Upgrades!

This is the story of our second Cob Bread Oven.

We built the oven in week 2 (The Story of Trash) so that we could bake with it in week 3 (The Story of Food).

During Trash week of Stories of Household Items, our focus was on reuse, reduce, and recycle. We incorporated a number of reused materials into our oven, only buying concrete sand from Ready-Mix (total cost: $6).

In addition to sand, our oven included

    old 55 gallon fiberboard drum donated by Emriver, Inc.

    old glass bottles / sawdust / straw donated by Ms. Megan

    old bricks from my garden wall

    old newspapers from my house

    clay dug from my yard

    broken-up pieces of our first cob oven

    leftover paper pulp from our Tuesday topic, The Story of Paper

Monday - build insulation layer and add sub floor

a 10 x 10 foot canopy to help protect the oven from rain

thank you to the family who donated this pop up canopy
during the COVID pandemic and our Outdoor School times!

I cut down the drum so we could use it as a form
to hold the base layers while they were still wet

Step 2: Insulate Your Floor
p.41 - recycled glass bottles set in a "mortar" of clay slip + sawdust

working with Ms. Megan to mix it up

packing the bottles and mortar into our form

p.43 - heat sink - a bed of dense oven mix

dancing a batch of cob!

using the tarp to mix

p.52 - snowball test
p.53 - do the twist
p.54 - using a tarp to mix

Tuesday - let dry

Today we took a break from the oven so that the base layers could dry and did some Papermaking to go with our "recycle" theme. This colorful paper pulp was all left over from January's Capital Letters block (G is for Goose) -- see This Week in Papermaking -- and I froze it afterwards so that it wouldn't be wasted. After today I didn't want to re-freeze the remnants, so I got the brilliant idea of adding the pulp to the oven as part of the wet paper layer!

bags of frozen pulp thawing in the sink

Wednesday - build hearth, make sand form, add newspaper layer

before today's activities started, I cut the sides off the fiberboard drum
(this was super easy to do because it was wet)

fiberboard is NOT safe to burn so it MUST be removed from the final oven; however, using the drum was extremely helpful because then we could use the lid as a template to help us plan the hearth

Step 3: Make Your Hearth Floor
p.45 - spread a smooth shallow bed of sand on the subfloor

with the addition of the "tongue,"
the children thought he looked like a little man!

Step Five: Make the Sand Form, or Shape the Void

p.50 - "The oven is a void, and the sand form is what shapes it.
Cover the void with oven-mud, dig it out -- there's an oven!"

you cover the sand form with a layer of wet paper so that when you're tickling the sand away later your fingers can feel when to stop!

cob mixture contains quite a bit of sand so if you didn't have this shift in texture as a cue, you might remove quite a bit of your oven from the inside by mistake

Thursday - build oven mud layer

Thank you to Ms. Megan and her family for coming to help us again!

The children divided themselves into two teams of 7. One team was more interested in working with their feet and they went off to dig more clay, manipulate the tarp, and dance up a huge batch of cob. The other team was more interested in working with their hands and they stayed by the oven and added the cob when it came over in buckets.

Each team had time to sit in the shade and rest and drink water, of course! I was dancing cob and had absolutely no time to take pictures of that process!

p.55 - many handfuls make a layer

Friday & Saturday - let dry

Sunday - remove sand form

Thursday, Jun 20 - first baking attempt!

Baked Apples! The oven fired beautifully (much much better than our first attempt). Clean bright flames, smoke merrily coming out the chimney, and HOT. We cored apples and loaded fresh homemade butter, freshly ground nutmeg, and raw sugar into them, then wrapped them in aluminum foil (in case sand was still falling from the ceiling) and put them in for 1 1/4 hrs.


If you're interested in cob ovens, here are some really nice notes from The Happy Monk Baking Company.

I will also add that I think you should make firm decisions about the roof and the door pretty early on, instead of hoping they will work themselves out later.

This post contains affiliate links to materials I truly use for homeschooling. Qualifying purchases provide me with revenue. Thank you for your support!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Steve Jenkins: A Long Long List

I have a LOT of the books by Steve Jenkins (although certainly not all) and when I'm working on putting together a new Zoology lesson I always regret that there's no master list of all the animals he included in all the books I have. I have to read through all of them. One at a time. Every single time.

So this is my project for today!

Waldorf teaches Zoology in 4th grade, so if you're teaching 4th grade hopefully this list will be useful for you as well!

I store the first two books on this list in my Timeline of Life section (Montessori Second Great Lesson) and the remaining books in Zoology.

Apex Predators: The World's Deadliest Hunters, Past and Present

Siberian tiger, Tyrannosaurus rex, Komodo dragon, great white shark, African wild dog, electric eel, fossa, giant freshwater ray, giant short-faced bear, terror bird, marsupial saber-tooth, giant teratorn, Daedon, Titanoboa, Hatzegopteryx, Tylosaurus, Spinosaurus, Utahraptor, Mastodonsaurus, Dimetrodon, Dunkleosteus, sea scorpion, Trigonotarbid, Anomalocaris

Prehistoric Actual Size

Morganucodon, Velocirapto, protozoa, sea scorpion, spiny shark, Diplocaulus, dragonfly (Carboniferous), cockroach (Carboniferous), millipede (Carbondiferous), Dinocephalosaurus, Saltopus, Dsungaripterus, Baryonyx, Giganotosaurus, Protoceratops, Leptictidium, terror bird, Epigaulus

Actual Size

pygmy shrew, atlas moth, dwarf goby, giant squid, Alaskan brown bear, ostrich, giant anteater, Goliath birdeater tarantula, saltwater crocodile, Goliath frog, great white shark, gorilla, pygmy mouse lemur, Siberian tiger, Goliath beetle, giant walking stick, African elephant, giant Gippsland earthworm

Almost Gone: The World's Rarest Animals

Amur leopard, monkey-eating eagle, crested shelduck, Grand Cayman blue iguana, northern hairy-nosed wombat, California condor, addax, Yangtze River dolphin, Assam rabbit, Miami blue butterfly, Javan rhinoceros, golden lion tamarin, eastern barred bandicoot, giant stick insect, dwarf water buffalo, Bactrian camel, waterfall frog, coelacanth, Iriomote cat, Abington Island tortoise, North Atlantic right whale, Moa, Steller's sea cow, Tasmanian wolf, Guam flying fox, gharial, whooping crane, alpine ibex

Animals in Flight

barn swallow, dragonfly, cockroach, Pterandon, Archaeopteryx, Quetzacoatlus, robin, barn owl, scarlet macaw, housefly, hummingbird, duck, peregrine falcon, vulture, ostrich, penguin, hawk, honeybee, wasp, butterfly, ladybug, vampire bat, flying squirrel, flying lizard, flying gecko, flying fish, flying snake, flying frog, wandering albatross, fairy fly, Queen Alexandra's Birdwing butterfly, bumblebee bat, Indian flying fox, bee hummingbird, horsefly, big brown bat, Arctic tern, spotted whooper swan, monarch butterfly, spine-tailed swift

Animals Upside Down: A Pull, Pop, Lift & Learn Book!

striped skunk, Oriental fire-bellied toad, darkling beetle, white-tailed nuthatch, harvest mouse, pangolin, net-casting spider, upside-down jellyfish, trumpetfish, baya weaverbird, hanging parrot, broad-billed hummingbird, greater fruit bat, housefly, flamingo, mallard, upside-down catfish, pale green weevil, Virginia opossum, hog-nosed snake, sparrowhawk, monkey skink, red bird of paradise, three-toed sloth, Australian leaf insect, woolly monkey

Big & Little

Siberian tiger, Siamese cat, ostrich, ruby-throated hummingbird, Nile crocodile, African chameleon, capybara, deer mouse, African rock python, coral snake, gorilla, pygmy marmoset, gray wolf, fennec fox, leatherback turtle, painted turtle, red kangaroo, Virginia opossum, great white shark, cat shark, southern elephant seal, sea otter

Biggest, Strongest, Fastest

African elephant, ant, giraffe, blue whale, Etruscan shrew, bee hummingbird, sun jellyfish, bird spider, cheetah, electric eel, land snail, anaconda, flea, Galápagos tortoise

Bones: Skeletons and How They Work

giant anteater, alligator, human, dog, horse, aardwolf, barn owl, mole, spider monkey, gray whale, turtle, fruit bat, tiger, eagle, Tyrannosaurus rex, elephant, stork, cat, toe-toed sloth, box turtle, python, Velociraptor, dolphin, giraffe, mouse lemur, vampire bat, armadillo, parrot, green turtle, butterfly fish, baboon, chameleon, tree shrew, babirusa, bullfrog, rabbit, leopard, rhinoceros, crow, blue whale, dwarf goby

Creature Features: Twenty-Five Animals Explain Why They Look the Way They Do

tapir, mandrill, red fan parrot, leaf-nosed bat, horned frog, bighorn sheep, Egyptian vulture, frilled lizard, harpy eagle, hamster, pufferfish, star-nosed mole, bearded seal, spicebush swallowtail, giant panda, red squirrel, sun bear, thorny devil, babirusa, mole rat, axolotl, giraffe, blobfish, shoebill stork, rock hyrax

Egg: Nature's Perfect Package

acorn weevil, alligator, American toad, apple snail, Asian palm swift, black-eyed squid, black-spotted sticky frog, blue crab, brine shrimp, brown widow spider, common green lacewing, common murre, corn snake, cowbird, cuttlefish, driver ant, egg-eating snake, Egyptian vulture, emu, fire ant, fish tapeworm, five-lined skink, Goliath walking stick insect, gray partridge, green sea turtle, grunion, hibiscus harlequin bug, horn shark, horned starfish, jawfish, Julia butterfly, kampango, kiwi, lily trotter, maleo, marsupial frog, midwife toad, mongoose, moon snail, mosquito, Noble's pygmy frog, nursery web spider, paper nautilus, platypus, Protoceratops, red-eyed tree frog, royal albatross, spectral bat, spider wasp, splash tetra, toucan, volutid snail, weedy seadragon, white tern

Eye to Eye: How Animals See The World

red-crowned Amazon parrot, jumping stick insect, sea slug, garden snail, nautilus, Atlantic bay scallop, colossal squid, bullfrog, stalk-eyed fly, blue mountain swallowtail, green pit viper, jumping spider, brownsnout spookfish, tuatara, halibut, panther chameleon, ghost crab, gharial, housecat, hippopotamus, leopard gecko, tarsier, mantis shrimp, Eurasian buzzard

How Many Ways Can You Catch a Fly?

diving beetle, grizzly bear, matamata, anhinga, dolphin, electric eel, Surinam toad, earwig, ichneumon wasp, white tern, Polynesian megapode, echidna, lily trotter, tailorbird, leafcutter ant, white tent bat, orangutan, capuchin monkey, Jackson's chameleon, rainbow trout, slender loris, net-casting spider, assassin bug, chimney swift, burrowing parrot, Mexican burrowing toad, worm lizard, red rock urchin, prairie mole cricket, aardvark, raccoon, herring gull, sea star, whelk, bat ray, mantis shrimp

How to Clean a Hippopotamus: A Look at Unusual Animal Partnerships

boxer crab, hermit crab, sea sponge, decorator crab, upside-down jellyfish, prairie dog, coyote, badger, zebra, wildebeest, ostrich, cattle egret, waterbuck, raven, wolf, honeyguide, ratel, oxpecker, giraffe, rhinoceros, red deer, African buffalo, warthog, mongoose, marine iguana, Sally Lightfoot crab, Egyptian plover, African crocodile, ocean sunfish, seagull, remora, tiger shark, cleaner wrasse, tang, green sea turtle, hippopotamus, African helmeted turtle, clownfish, sea anemone, social weaver, African pygmy falcon, black tree ant, rufous woodpecker, tuatara, Cook's petrel, goby, blind shrimp, pea crab, giant clam, meat ant, leafhopper, blue butterfly, red ant, domestic dog

How to Swallow a Pig: Step-by-Step Advice from the Animal Kingdom

humpback whale, common tailorbird, capuchin, bighorn sheep, crow, American beaver, mimic octopus, reddish egret, paper wasp, barn spider, satin bowerbird, vervet monkey, leaf-cutter ant, Nile crocodile, nine-banded armadillo, ant lion, western grebe, reticulated python

Living Color

tomato frog, scarlet percher dragonfly, deep-sea jellyfish, scarlet ibis, blood red fire shrimp, Malaysian cherry-red centipede, stonefish, hooded seal, flame scallop, 'i'iwi honeycreeper, white uakari, red salamander, harvest mite larva, shield bug, crow, hyacinth macaw, poison dart frog, cleaner wrasse, robin's egg, blue morpho butterfly, cobalt blue tarantula, blue-winged grasshopper, Portuguese man-of-war, blue bird of paradise, blue-tongued skink, blue-tailed skink, crab spider, Madagascar moon moth, yellow mongoose, trumpet fish, great hornbill, eyelash viper, yellow crazy ant, yellow crab, ladybird beetle, American goldfinch, common cuttlefish, leaf insect, green moray eel, three-toed sloth, lesser green broadbill, green anole, green tiger beetle, luna moth caterpillar, giant green anemone, leafy sea dragon, kelp isopod, African chameleon, garibaldi, orange pygmy seahorse, monarch butterfly, viceroy butterfly, cock-of-the-rock, leaf oyster, purple sea urchin, deep-sea dragonfish, ringed caecilian, violet raft snail, blue sea slug, long-wattled umbrella bird, parrotfish, orchid mantis, olm, flamingo, pink squat lobster, pink fairy armadillo

Look Again: Secrets of Animal Camouflage

crocodile fish, whip coral shrimp, trumpetfish, leafy seadragon, frogfish, giant Pacific octopus, moss mimic stick insect, common potoo, tulip-tree beauty moth, gray tree frog, high-casqued chameleon, white-banded crab spider, orchid mantis, wavy-lined emerald moth caterpillar, eyelash viper, rainbow lorikeet, Gaboon viper, Malayan tapir, bat-faced toad, dead-leaf moth, leaf-mimic katydid, willow grouse, Arctic hare, Arctic fox, polar bear, elm sphinx moth, giant leaf insect, green huntsman spider, green vine snake, common brimstone butterfly, marsh frog, satanic leaf gecko, Namibian stone grasshopper, pallid ghost crab, wrybill, marine iguana

Look at Me! How to Attract Attention in the Animal World

hooded seal, magnificent frigatebird, twig snake, great horned owl, pufferfish, common todad, great crested grebe, royal flycatcher, Mediterranean mantis, blue-spotted mudskipper, blue-footed booby, Japanese crane, scorpion, fiddler crab, mandrill, Budgett's frog, springbok, hippopotamus, sea slug, golden poison dart frog, mandarinfish, mandarin duck, red bird of paradise, Carolina anole, Indian bullfrog, common milkweed locust, sarcastic fringehead, firefly, deep-sea dragonfish, regal ringneck snake, hooded pitohui, ladybird mimic spider, flag-footed bug, long-tailed widowbird, stalk-eyed fly, big skate, bullseye moth, four-eyed butterflyfish, ring-tailed lemur


white-cheeked gibbon, African jacana, blue whale, nine-banded armadillo, Nile crocodile, corn snake, praying mantis, roadrunner, Arctic hare, jumping spider, polar bear, penguin

My First Day: What Animals Do on Day One

kiwi, Siberian tiger, wood duck, giraffe, emperor penguin, sea otter, leatherback sea turtle, blue wildebeest, sifaka, capybara, zebra, Malayan tapir, California sea lion, Mexican free-tailed bat, megapode, Darwin's frog, manatee, musk ox, parent bug, golden snub-nosed monkey, muntjac, polar bear

Never Smile at a Monkey and 17 Other Important Things to Remember

platypus, cone shell, hippopotamus, box jellyfish, stingray, black bear, cane toad, puffer fish, spitting cobra, electric caterpillar, cassowary, African buffalo, tang, blue-ringed octopus, red kangaroo, beaded lizard, Humboldt squid, rhesus monkey

Sisters and Brothers: Sibling Relationships in the Animal World

African elephant, Gould long-eared bat, nine-banded armadillo, New Mexico whiptail lizard, naked mole rat, termite, grizzly bear, spotted hyena, black widow spider, cheetah, peregrine falcon, wild turkey, beaver, Nile crocodile, European shrew, great crested grebe, cichlid, cuckoo catfish, Asian koel, common myna, giant anteater

Slap, Squeak, and Scatter: How Animals Communicate

beaver, vervet monkey, white-tailed deer, chaffinch, mole rat, chimpanzee, wolf, barking tree toad, grasshopper, blue-footed booby, orb-web spider, humpback whale, ring-tailed lemur, bat, elephant, flashlight fish, dolphin, turkey vulture, honeybee, fire ant, klipspringer antelope, house cat, hippopotamus

Time for a Bath

Bengal tiger, Indian rhinoceros, emu, turkey vulture, ant, giant pangolin, Japanese macaque, African elephant, jerboa, jackrabbit, web-footed gecko, rufous hummingbird, roseate spoonbill, scarlet cleaner shrimp, tomato grouper, white-tailed deer

Time to Eat

giant panda, common wood tick, northern short-tailed shrew, acorn woodpecker, chipmunk, butcherbird, black widow spider, crucifix toad, anaconda, ostrich, dung beetle, pelican, giant hawk moth, aye-aye, tiger shark, black rat, blue whale

Time to Sleep

giraffe, hairy armadillo, red fox, European bee-eater, basilisk, flamingo, parrotfish, warthog, green sea turtle, white stork, European hedgehog, wood frog, long-horned bee, koala, walrus, bottlenose dolphin, gorilla

Tiny Monsters: The Strange Creatures That Live On Us, In Us, and Around Us

thistle mantis, beetle mite, armored snout mite, mealworm, pine processionary caterpillar, common furniture beetle, zebra jumping spider, house dust mite, dragon springtail, great diving beetle, South American jumping ant, marine scale worm, eyelash mite, cat flea, bedbug, pork tapeworm, chigger, Varroa mite, head louse, hookworm, deer tick, bluebottle fly, mosquito, tardigrade

What Do You Do If You Work at the Zoo?

red kangaroo, king vulture, Humboldt penguin, aardvark, Galápagos tortoise, African elephant, hippopotamus, meerkat, leopard seal, Malayan tapir, polar bear, black rhinoceros, Komodo dragon, giant panda, spotted hyena, giraffe, West Indian manatee, shovelnose guitarfish, reticulated python, southern elephant seal, cheetah

What Do You Do When Something Wants to Eat You?

octopus, bombardier beetle, puffer fish, glass snake, pangolin, basilisk lizard, hog-nosed snake, clown fish, hover fly, gliding frog, silkmoth, Javanese leaf insect, flying fish, blue-tongued skink

What Do You Do with a Tail Like This?

platypus, hyena, African elephant, American alligator, star-nosed mole, yellow-winged bat, field cricket, antelope jackrabbit, hippopotamus, humpback whale, striped skunk, giraffe, five-lined skink, scorpion, spider monkey, chameleon, bald eagle, horned lizard, four-eyed fish, bush baby, chimpanzee, blue-footed booby, common water strider, gecko, mountain goat, brown pelican, mosquito, giant anteater, egg-eating snake, archerfish

I'm not including The Beetle Book or The Frog Book in this list because I would already know to look in those sources! And I already listed the animals in Down, Down, Down: A Journey to the Bottom of the Sea in Habitats: Mesopelagic, Bathypelagic, Abyssopelagic, Hadalpelagic Zones.

Steve Jenkins also does wonderful infographics books, which I like for Math. In Waldorf, reading charts and graphs is part of Business Math in 6th grade.

Animals by the Numbers: A Book of Infographics

Size, pp.10-11: human, Mososaurus, Amau frog, Megalodon, whale shark, grizzly bear, African elephant, Moa, oarfish, Argentinosaurus, hippopotamus, ground sloth, blue whale, Titanoboa, reticulated python, colossal squid, manta ray, Quetzalcoatlus, saltwater crocodile, Sarcosuchus, Indricotherium, Tyrannosaurus rex, bee hummingbird, dwarf goby, pygmy seahorse, Brookseia chameleon, Wolfi octopus, thread snake, bumblebee bat

Biomass, pp.12-13: human, bristlemouth, termite, chicken, sheep, cattle, dog, cat, Antarctic krill, squid, rat, elephant, blue whale, wild animals, domestic animals

Speed, pp.16-17: human, peregrine falcon, spine-tailed swift, free-tailed bat, green darner dragonfly, flying fish, cheetah, pronghorn antelope, ostrich, Australian tiger beetle, sailfish, dolphin, California sea lion, Gentoo penguin, humpback whale

Animal Leapers, pp.18-19: snow leopard, red kangaroo, impala, jackrabbit, kangaroo rat, southern cricket frog, froghopper, flea

Wing Beats, p.20: gnat, mosquito, housefly, hummingbird, dragonfly, bat, eagle, vulture

Sleep, p.21: human, giraffe, elephant, dog, cat, squirrel, python, brown bat

Life Spans, p.22: human, quahog clam, rat, dog, porcupine, camel, hippopotamus, bowhead whale, octopus, earthworm, starfish, lobster, red sea urchin, adult mayfly, ant queen, tarantula, termite queen, tuna, goldfish, catfish, carp, koi, bull frog, crocodile, box turtle, tuatara, giant tortoise, chicken, albatross, condor, cockatoo

Heart Rate, p.23: human, hummingbird, shrew, mouse, chicken, rabbit, cat, horse, elephant, blue whale

Horns, pp.24-25: markhor, blackbuck, Watusi bull, greater kuku, white rhinoceros, Jackson's chameleon, ibex, scimitar-horned oryx

Tongues, pp.26-27: giant anteater, chameleon, giraffe, Morgan's sphinx moth, sun bear, tube-lipped nectar bat

Animal Sounds, pp.28-29: coqui frog, water boatman, macaw, lion, hyena, bush cricket, elephant, wolf, cicada, kakapo, howler monkey, bulldog bat, blue whale, pistol shrimp, sperm whale

Defenses, pp.30-31: three-banded armadillo
(this is a great example of a decision tree)

Poisonous or Venomous?, pp.32-33: golden poison dart frog, beadlet anemone, inland taipan, marbled cone shell, box jellyfish, Sydney funnel-web spider, reef stonefish, puffer fish, blue-ringed octopus, Russel's viper

Deadly Animals, pp.34-35: shark, lion, box jellyfish, elephant, bee, Cape buffalo, hippopotamus, crocodile

Deadlier, pp.36-37: fat-tailed scorpion, krait, tsetse fly, dog, snake, mosquito

Mountain Tops & Ocean Depths, pp.38-39: human, Rüppell's vulture, blue sheep, Himalayan jumping spider, Himalayan viper, Mexican free-tailed bat, thick-billed murre, beaked whale, snailfish, supergiant amphipod

Temperature, pp.40-41: human, Pompeii worm, Sahara desert ant, desert pupfish, Antarctic icefish, wood frog, red flat bark beetle, polar bear, emperor penguin, tardigrade

Migration, pp.42-43: wildebeest, Brent goose, monarch butterfly, leatherback sea turtle, globe skimmer dragonfly, gray whale, great white shark, sooty sheerwater, arctic tern

Endangered Animals, pp.46-47: Miami blue butterfly, golden-headed langur, Javan rhino, Spix's macaw, Amur leopard, bajii dolphin, Red River soft-shelled turtle

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