Monday, June 3, 2024

Great Idea Series

I was just looking to see if I had a book on the cotton gin (for Cotton Day tomorrow; here is my Summer Planning). I really like Monica Kulling's books and I have several from her Great Idea Series. I'd love to get some more!

Here are all of the titles:

It's a Snap! George Eastman's First Photograph

Spic-and-Span! Lillian Gilbreth's Wonder Kitchen

In the Bag! Margaret Knight Wraps It Up

Making Contact! Marconi Goes Wireless

All Aboard! Elijah McCoy's Steam Engine

To the Rescue! Garrett Morgan Underground

Going Up! Elisha Otis's Trip to the Top

Zap! Nikola Tesla Takes Charge

Clean Sweep! Frank Zamboni's Ice Machine

It was useful to look up the series, but it doesn't help me for Eli Whitney.

As well as learning about the cotton harvest in Fibers & Clothing, I like to do a block on Famous Inventors in grade 2. So if anyone has a recommendation for a great picture book about the invention of the cotton gin, let me know!

There's a picture in Cotton by Millicent Selsam but not much more.

UPDATE 6/8/2024:
Found the perfect book! It's Eli Whitney by Jean Lee Latham.

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