Monday, June 24, 2024

Articles About Education

Every once in awhile, I find an article in the The New York Times about teaching that I want to keep. Whether it's about the advantages of one room schoolhouses, progressive education, or portfolio assessment... or the struggles of the current generation of boys... it's one I want to read again and again. So I'll keep that list here, in case anyone else finds it interesting.

The New York Times

For Too Many Kids, Books Are Uncool and Unread
Jul 24, 2024

As Boys Struggle, Men Who Teach Kindergarten Step In
Jun 23, 2024

A School With 7 Students: Inside the ‘Microschools’ Movement
Jun 17, 2024

What Happens to Gifted Children
Jun 13, 2024

Sign Right Here: The Parents Pledging to Keep Kids Phone-Free
Jun 9, 2024

Boys Get Everything, Except the Thing That’s Most Worth Having
Jun 5, 2024

A Utah Mountain Town Brings Back an Old Idea: The One-Room Schoolhouse
Apr 21, 2024

An Ancient Solution to Our Current Crisis of Disconnection
Nov 27, 2023

What Most American Schools Do Wrong
Oct 22, 2023

Who Runs the Best U.S. Schools? It May Be the Defense Department.
Oct 10, 2023

This Simple Fix Could Help Anxious Kids
Sep 4, 2023

Parents Don’t Understand How Far Behind Their Kids Are in School
May 11, 2023
I think a fifth year of high school is an excellent idea, and I don't understand why ALL schools in the country didn't automatically just have children repeat the grade they were in when COVID struck. Instead of moving everyone on and then discovering that they're all a year behind in math and reading.

A Silicon Valley School That Doesn’t Compute
Oct 23, 2011
It is very interesting to look back at this classic article... over a decade later!

ASDE - The Alliance For Self-Directed Education

Parents! Stop whatever you’re doing and DESCHOOL now!

What’s the Damn Rush? Embracing the Present Instead of Preparing for the Future


Maintaining Classroom Discipline (1947)

Standardized Testing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

a photo from a recent special guest visit:

Thad Heckman, architect of the new train station
Mark Bollman, project manager for the city

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