Friday, September 20, 2024

Persimmon Recipes

This post joins others about foraging like Chestnut Recipes I Want To Try (Sep 2023), Pawpaw Recipes (Sep 2022), and Tapping Sugar Maple Trees (Feb 2023).

All those other posts are about Megan teaching me to find food in the forest, but the persimmon tree is in my yard so that's exquisitely easy!

It is absolutely jam-packed with fruit.

You just walk outside and there they are on the ground!

And we just pop them right in the freezer until we have enough for a recipe!

It works best for me to spend a lot of time looking up recipe links and saving them here and then, when it is persimmon season, it's all in one place, ready to go. We just thaw the fruit and push the pulp through a food mill. Yum!

Persimmons for Breakfast

Persimmons for Dinner

Persimmons for Dessert

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