Saturday, December 14, 2024

Christmas Movies

I've been keeping a list of all Zac's bedtime chapter books from age 3 up. They're at the bottom of the Kindy & Bridge page on my website.

Once he was old enough for TV shows and movies, I added those in as well!

Zac hasn't had much screen time and is extremely sensitive to peril. He also hates the big-eye animation style of modern-day Disney; he finds it scary. The golden age of movies from Zac's point of view was the 1940s - 1970s.

Currently we are watching vintage Paddington Bear episodes from the 70's and the documentary series Tudor Monastery Farm.

I've found it works well to introduce two new Christmas movies each year. They are getting gradually more intense as he gets older. As of right now, The Bishop's Wife is still his favorite Christmas movie because of the special effects (it was his very first encounter with movie special effects).

If you are in a neeed of an abbreviated version of A Christmas Carol, which you can read with your child, I highly recommend A CHRISTMAS CAROL for CHILDREN to READ OUTLOUD (PDF), which is somewhat simplified and greatly condensed. No words have been added, they are all Dickens himself!

And it is written as a script, so you could even perform it with your family!

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