Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Vincent's Starry Night by Michael Bird

Ultra-excited about my new Art History book!

I'm always looking for resources to help me teach using stories -- as is the Waldorf way -- and Art History is my new favorite subject to teach. This story collection was very highly recommended to me by my friend Sarah. I've been waiting and waiting for it to arrive, and now I get to make a list! Yippee! Here are ALL the artists and time periods included in this book:

Caves to Civilisations (40,000 - 20 BCE)

    Lion Man: The First Artists

    Animal Magic: The Cave Painters

    Picture Stories: Ancient Painters, Carvers and Scribes

    Seeing It My Way: Akhenaten's Artists

    Life Goes On: Tutankhamun's Tomb

    Travellers' Tales: Kleitias the Vase Painter

    Big Ideas: Phidias and the Parthenon

    The Warrior Factory: Qin Shi Huang's Craftsmen

    A Tall Order: The Sculptor and the Emperor

    Enjoy the View: A Roman Painter

Sacred Places (800 - 1425)

    Eye to Eye: A Mosaic Maker in Saint Sophia

    The Calligrapher's Dream: Ibn al-Bawwab

    Mountain Man: Fan Kuan

    Floating City: The Builders of Angkor Wat

    Light Fantastic: The Stained-Glass Makers of Chartres

    Real-Life Stories: Giotto

    All Sides of Life: Medieval Scribes and Illuminators

    Head People: The Bronze-Casters of Ife

    Snow Angels: Andrei Rublev

Great Ambitions (1425 - 1550)

    Discovering the Future: Donatello

    The Smallest Detail: Jan van Eyck

    Fly to the Sun: The Aztecs

    Under the Skin: Leonardo da Vinci

    Work Hard, Be Famous: Albrecht Dürer

    Stone into Statue: Michelangelo

    The Art of Philosophy: Raphael

    The Night Is Young: Titian

Life Stories (1550 - 1750)

    Cold Comfort: Pieter Breugel

    King of the Cheetahs: Basawan and Dharm Das

    Light Supper: Caravaggio

    The Flower Girl: Rembrandt

    Painting Is Me: Artemisia Gentileschi

    Good Morning!: Diego Velázquez

    Imagine Being There: Claude Lorrain

    The Longer You Look: Johannes Vermeer

    House of Cards: Jean-Siméon Chardin

Revolution! (1750 - 1860)

    The Storm and the Calm: Jacques-Louis David

    No Heroes: Francisco Goya

    Rock and Stores and Trees: Caspart David Friedrich

    Under the Wave: Katsushika Hokusai

    Artistic Chemistry: William Henry Fox Talbot

    I'll Show You!: Joseph Mallord William Turner

    The Plan of Campaign: Gustave Courbet

    Worth Every Cent: Frederic Edwin Church

Seeing It Differently (1860 - 1900)

    Cradle of Art: Berthe Morisot

    The Great Outdoors: Claude Monet

    Split-Second Timing: Eadweard Muybridge

    What Is Colour Made Of?: Georges Seurat

    Vincent's Starry Night: Vincent van Gogh

    In Her Hands: Camille Claudel

    It All Fits Together: Paul Cézanne

War and Peace (1900 - 1950)

    Cut and Paste: Georges Braque

    Happy Birthday!: Marc Chagall

    Spinning a Story: Marcel Duchamp

    Comrades!: Varvara Stepanova

    Circles of Life: Vasily Kandinsky

    The Girl Between Worlds: Frida Kahlo

    Sea of Dreams: Joan Miró

    The Lie that Tells the Truth: Pablo Picasso

    Pebbles and Bombs: Henry Moore

    It's All Rubbish!: Kurt Schwitters

Where It's At (1950-2014)

    Straight from the Can: Jackson Pollock

    In the Blue Morning: Henri Matisse

    What Happened Here?: Anselm Kiefer

    My Dreaming: Emily Kame Kngwarreye

    Come Inside: Louise Bourgeois

    Bottletop Magic: El Anatsui

    Sowing Seeds: Al Weiwei

In the back there are bonuses: Map of the World, Timeline, Glossary, List of Artworks (each chapter includes a reproduction of one work), and Index.

These "Table of Contents" posts really help me because when I go to do my lesson planning I can just use the SEARCH box to see what resources I already have for a topic. I hope other people find them helpful as well!

This post contains affiliate links to materials I truly use for homeschooling. Qualifying purchases provide me with revenue. Thank you for your support!

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