Monday, January 14, 2008

Breakfast, Lunch, Snack and Dinner

Today I rearranged my pantry. Instead of being one shelf per food group (vegetables, fruits, meats/legumes, grains) I have decided to do one shelf per meal. This way I can quickly glance into the pantry to see what meals I have plenty of groceries for and which are lacking, the children can see all their hot and cold cereal options, and Natalie can help pack her own lunches. Kid friendly cleaning supplies are on the bottom (clean cloth diapers, spray bottles of water, Swiffer dusting cloths), then Breakfast (hot and cold cereals, small pitchers for milk and soymilk, pancake and waffle mixes, syrup), Lunch/Snack (brown paper lunch bags, dried fruit, peanut butter, jam, bread, tuna fish, soups, canned fruit, falafel mix and cake and cookie mixes), Dinner (grains, canned vegetables, pasta and so on) and then Baking is the top shelf. I'm not sure how I'm going to organize that one, it may be bins. I have so many packages of nuts and chocolate chips and evaporated milk and all that stuff, not even counting flour and sugar. It's kind of a big pile in the cabinet right now. We'll see. ;-)

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