Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bowie Ice Arena

Today we belatedly celebrated Rebecca's 6th birthday. On the "for-real" day of her birthday I took her out to lunch and gave her one gift (a pair of ice skates from L.L. Bean) and my mother gave her another gift that evening (Skating Shoesby Noel Streatfeild). Today my boyfriend gave Rebecca his portion of the coordinated gift -- we took all the girls skating at Bowie Ice Arena. It's nearby and the prices are reasonable. It was a GREAT experience! Taking three little girls skating when you are only one person, and they are all clinging to you in desperation, is frustrating and not fun for any one. What a difference having another adult makes. We were able to divide and conquer and by the end, even Natalie (who hugged the wall the entire time the last two times we went & screamed and howled if I moved away from her to help another sister) was out on the ice, confidently pulling him along. In fact, although this was Becca's gift, I think Natalie enjoyed it the most and we ended up not only skating during the public skate session from 1 to 3 pm, but staying to watch the first half of the junior ice hockey game immediately following. Natalie was totally absorbed in the game and now wants me to track down whether skating lessons or ice hockey can be an option for her. I gave the girls all lessons in different things as Christmas gifts this year -- ballet/tap for Becca, tap/jazz and gymnastics for Leah, bellydancing and gymnastics for Natalie -- because I'm trying to get them to think more in terms of experiences than possessions. Of course, at this rate, my entire basement will be filled with sports gear!

Cooincidentally, Becca chose Alligators and Others All Year Long : A Book of Monthsby Crescent Dragonwagon as her book from the library this week (on Tuesdays when both sisters are at gymnastics she and I have Special Library Time to cuddle and read) and she was soooo excited to find that the January page was about ice skating! She thought that was just perfect!

We'll invite Cat,
for soup and skating.
It's time to start
the celebrating!
in January

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