I took the children to the Irvine Nature Center. We had a marvelous time. First we visited the indoor exhibits. Then we played on the playground for about 20 minutes but they were about to close it for a birthday party. So we had lunch, hiked all the trails (the girls had a GREAT time playing in the stream -- note to self, pack insect repellant next time), and then came back to the main building. We shopped in the gift shop. I got a dozen Black-eyed Susans for the school's butterfly garden, four wax myrtles for my house (they're a native plant and you can make candles with the berries) and a bar of locally made honey soap. I am always nuts about soap and I've been looking for an all-natural soap made by a local organization. I was excited to find this honey soap and it smells amazing.
Now it's dinner, bedtime story, and bed. We just finished our last read-aloud (The Book of Fairy Princes
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