I have so many stories but naturally I need to narrow them down. I went looking for artwork to inspire me but this is a case where my Pinterest board is of little help, and it looks like the same saints are done again and again. I know I want some of the traditional ones, and I want some unusual ones too.
Here are the resources I have on my shelf:
Beasts and Saints
translated by Helen Waddell, edited by Esther de Waal
The Desert Fathers
The Hermit's Garden in the Desert
The Penitent Wolf
The Blessed Ammon and the Dragons
St. Macarius of Alexandria and the Grateful Hyena
St. Pachome, Abbot of Tabenne, and the Crocodiles
The Abbot Helenus and the Wild Ass
The Abbot Helenus and the Crocodile
St. Simeon Stylites and the Unconverted Dragon
The Unsociable Lion
The Abbot Gerasimus and the Lion
St. Jerome and the Lion and the Donkey
The Saints of the West
The Death of King Teudiric
St. Columba and the Crane
St. Columba and the White Horse
St. Columba in the Vosges
St. Malo and the Sow
St. Malo and the Wren
St. Cuthbert in the Sheiling
St. Cuthbert and the Otters
St. Cuthbert and the Ravens on the Farnes
St. Werburga of Chester and the Wild Geese
St. Benno and the Frog
St. Godric at Finchale
St. Godric's Garden and the Wild Deer
St. Godric and St. John the Baptist's Salmon
St. Godric and the Hare
St. Godric and the Hunted Stag
St. Cuthbert's Birds and Bartholomew, the Hermit of Farne
The Saints of Ireland
St. Ciaran and the Nesting Bird
St. Ciaran and Brother Fox and Brother Badger
St. Moling and the Fox
St. Brendan and the Sea Monsters
St. Brendan and the Sea-Cat
St. Brendan and the White Birds
St. Cainnic and the Mice
St. Cainnic and the Sea-Brids
St. Cainnic and the Stag
St. Kevin and the Cow
St. Kevin and the Wild Boar
St. Kevin and the Rooks of Glendalough
The Mountains that are Creatures of God
St. Kevin and the Blackbird
St. Ciaran of Clonmacnoise and the Stag
St. Colman and the Cock, the Mouse, and the Fly
Saints Among the Animalsby Cynthia Zarin
This collection is particularly useful because an illustration is included for each story. These illustrations are simply drawn and would be of great help for a MLB or chalkboard drawing. There are only 10 stories in the volume. Brief biographical notes about each saint are included in the back.
The Story of Saint Colman
Saint Werburge and the Geese
Saint Francis and the Wolf of Gubbio
A Story about Saint Medard
A Few Short Tales of Saint Canice
A Story about Saint Hilda
The Story of Saint Keneth
Saint Brendan and the Whale
Saint Kevin and the Blackbird
Saint Jerome and the Lion
Stories of the Saints: A Collection for Childrenretold by Siegwart Knijpenga, translated by Tony Langham and Plym Peters
Mary: Thus the temple became her home
Brigid: Have you forgotten me, Bride?
Columba: The doors sprang open
Francis of Assisi: Until the roses bloom again
Giles: Let us ask the earth
Benedict: Why is the last stone so heavy?
Jerome: Brothers, the lion wishes to stay with us
George: And fate chose the King's daughter
Barlaam and Josaphat: This is where I will be king
Eustace: You thought you would hunt me
Elizabeth of Hungary: Pure red roses
Christopher: If you wait long enough
Martin: Aren't you afraid?
Antony of Egypt: I have come for my friend
Patrick: Because you did not forget my name
Thomas: Where is the palace?
Gregory the Great: At last he agreed
Beatrice: Had she not gone away?
Emma: Take what you can carry
Agnes: For you I would go through fire
Francis of Paola: This is my fire
Boniface: A house was build from the oak tree
Paschal Baylon: And the water always welled up
Veronica: You don't have to go to the painter
Lioba: Dear red ball of wool, roll!
Ambrose: His words are as sweet as honey
Margaret of Antioch: Your name means pearl
Odilia: Because she had no light in her eyes
Brendan: And he looked into the depths
Nicholas of Myra: What storms there are at sea
Gall: Bear, fetch wood for the fire!
Dionysius: They felt the earth tremble
Radegund: On my word, Lord
Joan of Arc: I am just a peasant girl
Cuthbert: They are like the snow
Luke the Evangelist: My eyes saw
John the Evangelist: The strength of the poison abated
The Giant at the Ford and Other Legends of the Saints
by Ursula Synge
The Giant at the Ford, St. Christopher
Zita and the Rich Man's Cloak
St. Jerome, the Lion, and the Donkey
Odilia and Aldaric
St. Moling and the Fox
The Farm-Labourer Who Wanted to See Jerusalem
St. George and the Dragon
St. Mochae and the Bird from Heaven
Queen Sunniva
The Flying Walking-Stick
William Firmatus and the Savage Boar
St. Senan
Werburgh and the Troublesome Geese
St. Paul and St. Antony
St. Wulfric, the Boy and the Bread
There are other resources for Saint stories, such as the Harvest Loaf story in All Year Round: Christian Calendar of Celebrations(St. Michael). There are indications for modeling St. Francis in Learning About the World Through Modeling: Sculptural Ideas for School and Home
and there are painting lessons for both St. Francis (four different paintings) and St. Michael in Painting and Drawing in Waldorf Schools: Classes 1-8
Painting with FORMS, as opposed to color stories, in second grade is a matter of some contention in Waldorf circles.
I've heard in many places that the child shouldn't begin painting figures until after the 9 year change (third grade) and that the Old Testament Creation stories are the place to first introduce this. Kelly Morrow did a wonderful DVD on watercolor painting which helped a lot when I was starting out; it is in the Waldorf in the Home store. It is suggested in Painting in Waldorf Education
that the child paint the saint stories as color stories, with the push and pull between the forces of good and evil being represented abstractly through color on the page. No figures are actually painted. You will need to decide for yourself what is suitable for your child. Leah is older than the usual age for doing the Saints so we will most likely use Thomas Wildgruber's suggestions.
Magic Wool: Creative Pictures and Tableaux with Natural Sheep's Wool contains instructions for flat wool pictures of St. Christopher carrying the child (figure 21) and St. Francis preaching to the birds (figure 27). Example pictures for each are shown.
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