Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Mycology Coloring Books

Today was Shrinky Dink Day!

In our Science Club: Mycology session, we spent some time looking at the incredible diversity of Basidiomycota. The children each got a page from a mushroom coloring book to trace onto Shrinky Dink paper and then color (trace on smooth side using ultra fine point Sharpie, color on rough side with colored pencils). Then we cut them out carefully and shrunk them (be sure to use an old toaster oven for this and work in a well-ventilated space). What a great keepsake and super-fun way to end our final Science Club session!

Shrinky Dinks Creative Pack 10 Sheets Frosted Ruff n' Ready

how to shrink your Shrinky Dinks:

I had purchased two different Mycology Coloring Books and, in case you're shopping for such a thing, here is the list of species included in each. I prefer the Dover one (text by David Arora, illustrations by Jeanette Bowers) because it contains fascinating informational text AND shows accurate coloring for some of the mushrooms (inside the front and back covers). The self-published one by E.M. Ledford has absolutely no guidance as to coloring, and no information on the organism besides its common and scientific name.

Mushrooms of the World with Pictures to Color

38 plates; 92 species

    plate 1 - Boletes (inside front cover)
    Boletus rubripes, Boletus frostii, Strobilomyces floccopus

    plate 2 - King Bolete (inside front cover)
    Boletus edulis

    plate 3 - Rough-Stemmed Boletes
    Leccinum insigne

    plate 4 - Larch Lovers
    Fuscoboletinus ochraceoroseus, Suillus cavipes

    plate 5 - Slippery Jacks
    Suillus grevillei

    plate 6 - Oak and Pine Mushrooms (front cover)
    Suillus pictus, Chroogomphus vinicolor, Boletus miniato-pallescens, Lactarius atroviridis, Cortinarius semisanguines

    plate 7 - Death Cap
    Amanita phalloides

    plate 8 - Fly Agaric (inside front cover)
    Amanita muscaria

    plate 9 - Caesar's Amanita
    Amanita caesarea

    plate 10 - Coccora (inside front cover)
    Amanita calyptroderma, Amanita aspera

    plate 11 - Parasol Mushrooms (inside front cover)
    Lepiota procera, Chlorophyllum molybdites

    plate 12 - Flower Pot Parasol
    Lepiota lutea

    plate 13 - Lawn Mushrooms (inside front cover)
    Agaricus campestris, Marasmius oreades

    plate 14 - The Prince (inside front cover)
    Agaricus augustus

    plate 15 - Mushroom Jewels
    Hygrophorus psittacinus, Hygrophorus conicus, Hygrophorus calyptraeformis, Hygrophorus coccineus, Hydnellum diabolus, Cortinarius violaceus, Leptonia carnea

    plate 16 - Shaggy Mane
    Coprinus comatus

    plate 17 - Dung Inhabitors
    Psilocybe cubensis, Panaeolus campanulatus, Coprinus cinereus

    plate 18 - Milk Mushrooms and Russulas (front cover)
    Russula rosacea, Lactarius deliciosus, Lactarius indigo, Lactarius camphoratus, Russula virescens

    plate 19 - Stropharias
    Stropharia ambigua, Stropharia aeruginosa

    plate 20 - Miniature Mushrooms (inside front cover)
    Mycena amabilissima, Marasmius siccus, Microglossum viride, Microstoma floccosa, Cordyceps sphecocephala, Cyathus striatus

    plate 21 - Rust-Gills
    Cortinarius traganus, Cortinarius cedretorum

    plate 22 - Pholiotas (inside front cover)
    Pholiota squarrosa, Pholiota aurivella

    plate 23 - Blewitt (inside back cover)
    Clitocybe nuda

    plate 24 - Jack-O'-Lantern Mushrooms
    Omphalotus olivascens
    [Omphalotus illudens, Omphalotus olearius]

    plate 25 - Chanterelles (inside back cover)
    Cantharellus cibarius, Cantharellus cinnabarinus

    plate 26 - Woolly Chanterelle (inside back cover)
    Gomphus floccosus

    plate 27 - Horn of Plenty
    Craterellus cornucopioides
    [Craterellus fallax]

    plate 28 - Coral Fungi (inside back cover)
    Ramaria araiospora, Ramaria formosa, Clavaria purpurea

    plate 29 - Teeth Fungi (inside back cover)
    Dentinum repandum, Hydnum imbricatum

    plate 30 - Polypores (inside back cover)
    Ganoderma tsugae, Albatrellus flettii

    plate 31 - Wood-Rotters (back cover)
    Laetiporus sulphureus, Boletus mirabilis, Naematoloma fasciculare, Trametes versicolor, Hirschioporus pargamenus, Stereum hirsutum, Ramaria stricta, Tremella mesenterica, Collybia acervata

    plate 32 - Puffballs
    Lycoperdon perlatum, Scleroderma citrinum

    plate 33 - Earthstars
    Astreus hygrometricus, Geastrum fornicatum

    plate 34 - Stinkhorns (inside back cover)
    Phallus impudicus, Mutinus elegans
    [Mutinus caninus]

    plate 35 - Latticed Stinkhorn (inside back cover)
    Clathrus ruber

    plate 36 - Morels (inside back cover)
    Morchella esculenta

    plate 37 - Elfin Saddles
    Gyromitra esculenta, Helvella lacunosa, Helvella elastica

    plate 38 - The Mysterious Mushroom (back cover)
    Laccaria amethystina, Aleuria aurantia, Boletus satanus, Clavariadelphus pistillaris, Gomphidius subroseus, Tuber melanosporum, Clathrus archeri

Adventures in Mycoflora: A Realistic Mushroom Coloring Book

28 plates

    Fluted Bird's Nest Fungus
    Cyathus striatus

    Witch's Hat
    Hygrocybe conica

    Dyer's Polypore
    Phaeolus schweinitzii

    Fairy Fingers
    Clavaria fragilis

    Scarlet Waxy Cap
    Hygrocybe coccinea

    Golden Chanterelle
    Cantharellus cibarius

    Rounded Earthstar
    Geastrum saccatum

    Common Puffball
    Lycoperdon perlatum

    White Morel
    Morchella americana

    Summer Oyster
    Pleurotus pulmonarius

    Ringless Honey Mushroom
    Armillaria tabescens

    Crown-tipped Coral Fungus
    Artomyces pyxidatus

    Common Brown Cap
    Phylloscypha phyllogena

    Hexagonal-pored Polypore
    Neofavolus alveolaris

    Wine Cap
    Stropharia rugosoannulata

    Shaggy Mane
    Caprinus comatus

    Chicken of the Woods
    Laetiporus sulphureus

    Purple Laccaria
    Laccaria ochropurpurea

    Yellow Morel
    Morchella esculenta

    Shaggy Scalycap
    Pholiota squarrosa

    Old Man of the Woods
    Strobilomyces floccopus

    Reddish Brown Bitter Bolete
    Tylopilus rubrobrunneus

    Amanita rubescens

    Common Bonnet
    Mycena galericulata

    Bear's Head Tooth
    Hericium americanum

    False Turkey-tail
    Stereum ostrea

    Lilac Bolete
    Boletus separans

    Yellow Fly Agaric
    Amanita muscaria var. guessowii

adding the color really brings this Latticed Stinkhorn to life

carefully cutting out a False Turkey-tail... ready for the toaster oven!

notes to myself regarding baking:

    put the old toaster oven on a card table in the garage
    (open garage door for ventilation)

    have two potholders and some plain computer paper handy

    preheat to 325 degrees Fahrenheit
    (use oven thermometer to ensure the temp is 325)

    line baking sheet with alum foil

    place mushroom on baking sheet with colored side up

    bake for 1-3 minutes

    DO NOT PANIC when the mushroom curls itself up into a burrito... wait for it to uncurl and flatten

    when nearly flat and still malleable, pull it out and turn baking sheet upside down so mushroom will drop onto a piece of computer paper

    quickly cover with remaining stack of paper and one potholder and push down firmly to flatten fully (this will only work while it's hot)

    keep mushroom on that bottom piece of computer paper to cool

    write child's initials on the paper

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