Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Legend of King Arthur

Zac is going to a King Arthur-themed activity at the public library and, since he knows nothing at all about the legend, I've been looking for films & books that would be a good intro. I found this excellent list of movies but most of them are meant for adults. Sadly, he's not old enough yet for Monty Python!

I did enjoy watching some of the more child-friendly films while I was sick, and here is what I landed on. It ties in with the solar eclipse of last April, is suspenseful without being scary, and introduces all of the main characters:

Problem solved!

If he wants to learn more (and for a more balanced portrayal of Merlin, who is usually on Arthur's side and not on Mordred's), we can then watch this.

I also have the original motion picture soundtrack for Camelot and love it! We could watch this movie as the final one of the trio, to see how it all ends.

And of course I have books. He's very welcome to read these as well!

I have The Kitchen Knight, retold by Margaret Hodges, and a vintage chapter book The Castle of Ladies, retold by Constance Hieatt. Just learned that Hieatt was a very well-regarded medieval scholar who wrote a whole series of chapter books retelling parts of the Arthurian Cycle for children!

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