Wednesday, August 18, 2021


I've now had two homeschool consulting clients decide they'd like to do a block on Horses with their children, and I think it's a great MLB topic. It is always fun to create a block based on your child's interests! Getting into a stable and learning hands-on how to properly take care of a horse is the best. But I'm also working on a booklist of horse resources I like. Of course, suggestions are always welcome!

The Human Being and the Animal World

by Charles Kovacs
The Horse, chapter 11

Horse Care -

How to Draw a Horse -

Painting -

Clay -

Knitting -

Horse & Buggy -

Horse-head Fiddle (Morin Khuur) -

Native American Legends -

Famous Horses in History -

Favorite Horses in Literature -

Horse Poems -

Ancestors of the Horse -

    Grandmother Fish: A Child's First Book of Evolution

    by Jonathan Tweet

      your cousin, Cousin Horse

    Amazing Evolution: The Journey of Life

    by Anna Claybourne

      Horse Family Tree, page 50
      includes Hyracotherium, Orohippus, Mesohippus, Miohippus, Parahippus, Merychippus, Pliohippus, Equus

    note the similarity between these scientific names and Hippopotamus ("water horse")

    The Story of Life: Evolution

    by Katie Scott

      Paleogene Period, 65 MYA - 23 MYA
      Chalicotherium, Hyracotherium (pp.60-61)

    Life on Earth: The Story of Evolution

    by Steve Jenkins

      New Species (Hyracotherium, Equus)

    When the Whales Walked and Other Incredible Evolutionary Journeys
    by Dougal Dixon

      Odd Toes, p.45 (Hyracotheirum, Equus)

    by Hélène Rajcak and Damien Laverdunt

      Paleogene Period
      Propalaeotherium (pp.58-59), lived 50 MYA - 41 MYA

      although they are close together in time, Hyracotherium is older and considered the earliest horse on the Tree of Life
      (it lived 55 MYA - 45 MYA)

    Life Story

    by Virginia Lee Burton

      Paleogene Period, 65 MYA - 23 MYA
      Eocene Epoch - Hyracotherium - four toes (p.33)
      Oligocene Epoch - Mesohippus - three toes (p.35)

      Neogene Period, 23 MYA - 2.58 MYA
      Miocene Epoch - Merychippus (p.37)
      Pliocene Epoch - Pliohippus - one toe (p.39)

      Quaternary Period, 2.58 MYA - present
      Pleistocene Epoch - Ice Age horse (p.41)

    (predator to these smaller Neogene horses: the Terror Bird!)

    Now You Know About Animals of the Ice Age
    by Anne Neigoff

      map with migration of Ice Age horse (pp.8-11, 25)

Scientific Names -

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