Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day

Since there's no school for Monday, I know that on Tuesday all the students will bring in valentines for one another. I plan on keeping it low key -- my favorite Valentine's Day book in the whole entire world (Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatchby Eileen Spinelli) that morning at circle time, some white paper bags to decorate as "mailboxes" and craft supplies for students who didn't create some at home but want to in the classroom. I also was going to use it as an opportunity to introduce the concept of an Acrostic Poem.

If you need Valentine ideas, I think that Family Fun has the best craft projects for kids, hands down. We are using their heart template (pdf -- three sizes of hearts) for the valentines my daughters will be making at home. Martha Stewart, of course, has this holiday in the bag but I don't have the money or the energy this year to indulge myself in that way. There was a time when I was making heart lollipops from scratch and so on... If that's you, enjoy! I remember one year when I read in my issue of Martha Stewart magazine that The Way We Werewas a romantic choice for the holiday. My husband fell asleep and I stayed up all night crying. I thought it was the saddest movie I'd ever seen. So I guess people have differing tastes. I, personally, am a fan of older movies, like His Girl Friday(1940), Bringing Up Baby(1938), and It Happened One Night(1934).

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