Monday, May 6, 2019

Montessori Fifth Great Lesson - Notes

This post is a continuation of my previous four; I have each of the Great Lessons as a tag in my blog posts so you can search for ideas that way; I also have book suggestions on my website under My Montessori Library.

Montessori First Great Lesson - How the Earth and Universe Came to Be

Montessori Second Great Lesson - How Life Came to Be

Montessori Third Great Lesson - How Humans Came to Be

Montessori Fourth Great Lesson - How Writing Came to Be

The Fifth Great Lesson topic is the Story of Numbers.

week 1
recall the story of written language

read The History of Counting by Denise Schmandt-Besserat through page 26

do activities with Ancient Egyptian numerals:

week 2
read remainder of The History of Counting

do activities with Ancient Roman numerals:

I also like the History of Mathematics Card Set from Clocca Concepts and the Hundred Board with Roman Numerals and Control Chart from Nienhuis.

The student who I was working on finishing this series with unexpectedly moved to Nevada... so we didn't get to do very much with the Story of Numbers besides a quick overview. There are a lot of great books for this topic, and fun directions to take it in. Here are some that I recommend:

The Time Book: A Brief History from Lunar Calendars to Atomic Clocks

by Martin Jenkins

The Story of Clocks and Calenars

by Betsy Maestro

Twelve Years, Twelve Animals: A Japanese Folktale

by Yoshiko Samuel

The Story of Money

by Betsy Maestro

Ideas About Choosing
by John Maher and S. Stowell Symmes

How We Learned the Earth is Round

by Patricia Lauber

The Librarian Who Measured the Earth

by Kathryn Lasky

Mathematicians are People, Too: Stories from the Lives of Great Mathematicians, Volume 1

by Luetta & Wilbert Reimer

    John Napier
    Galileo Galilei
    Blaise Pascal
    Isaac Newton
    Leonhard Euler
    Joseph Louis Lagrange
    Sophie Germain
    Carl Friedrich Gauss
    Evariste Galois
    Emmy Noether
    Srinivasa Ramunujan

Mathematicians are People, Too: Stories from the Lives of Great Mathematicians, Volume 2

by Luetta & Wilbert Reimer

    Omar Khayyam
    Leonard of Pisa (Fibonacci)
    Girolamo Cardano
    Rene Descartes
    Pierre de Fermat
    Maria Agnesi
    Benjamin Banneker
    Charles Babbage
    Mary Somerville
    Neils Abel
    Ada Lovelace
    Sonya Kovalevsky
    Albert Einstein
    George Polya

Ada Byron Lovelace and the Thinking Machine

by Laurie Wallmark

Agnesi to Zeno: Over 100 Vignettes from the History of Math

by Sanderson Smith

Math and Science Across Cultures: Activities and Investigations from the Exploratorium

by Maurice Bazin, et al.

The Man Who Counted: A Collection of Mathematical Adventures

by Malba Tahan

You Can Count on Monsters: The First 100 Numbers and Their Characters

by Richard Evan Schwartz (see the poster of 1 through 100, factored)

Really Big Numbers

by Richard Evan Schwartz

A Million Dots

by Andrew Clements

A Hundred Billion Trillion Stars

by Seth Fishman

One Grain of Rice

by Demi

The Lion's Share

by Matthew McElligott

We also weren't able to do the Montessori Sixth Great Lesson which is called "The Great River" and is a wonderful analogy to introduce the complex inner workings of the human body. ETC Montessori sells the story and all of the classroom materials for it; the links to them and a PDF with all of the science experiments we did for each system of the human body are all on my Human Physiology page on my website. Let me know if you have any questions!

This post contains affiliate links to materials I truly use for homeschooling. Qualifying purchases provide me with revenue. Thank you for your support!

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