Saturday, November 4, 2023

Chancery Script & Poetry

Notes from teaching Chancery Script in our Outdoor Classroom in Sep 2022.

After going through all of the lowercase letters, we practiced them by writing and illustrating short poems from Lemonade and Other Poems Squeezed from a Single Word by Bob Raczka. These poems work well because they use only a few letters, so the children aren't overwhelmed. And they're fun!

poem #1 - rain
we began with this poem because every letter stays within the x-space

poem #2 - ladybug
our second poem allowed us to practice the ascender and the descender

poem #3 - creative
after learning the remaining letters (diagonal downstroke and sibilant pair)

If you're working on penmanship with your child, I highly recommend this approach. There are also wonderful short poems in Here's A Little Poem: A Very First Book of Poetry compiled by Jane Yolen and Andrew Fusek Peters and Firefly July: A Year of Very Short Poems by Paul B. Janeczko.

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