Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Mini-Unit on Statistics and Probability

My oldest student this week is doing little mini-unit on Statistics and Probability, with a few EGG-related activities tossed in there for Easter. We began by reviewing Mean, Median, Mode, and Range and then moved on to Probability. Here are the activities from TpT I'm using. They are all FREE!

- Easter Egg Averages (TpT)

Mean, median, mode, and range for 5 eggs drawn from a basket. Students can make it easier or harder by creating the numbers to go inside the eggs.

- Describing Probability Outcomes Task Cards (TpT)

- Probability Activities 1, 2, and 3 from this past blog post

Instead of socks, we used a basket of glass gems (2 blue, 4 red, 6 white).

- Probability Review Game (TpT)

We will just do this as a regular PPT. I plan to play slides 6 through 21.

- Egg Russian Roulette on our bare feet!

8 hard cooked eggs. 4 raw eggs.

This was a huge hit.

It's also a good use for an old shower curtain that you plan on throwing away anyway! We stopped and calculated the probability of choosing a raw egg each time. Thank you to my friend Megan for the donation of the eggs!

Zac's bedtime read aloud story for April is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. We are just up to the part where Charlie is hoping to find a golden ticket. Veruca Salt's father made sure she'd get a ticket by buying and opening up hundreds of thousands of chocolate bars. Charlie gets only one for his birthday each year. Talk about a perfect tie-in with probability!

Some good board game choices if you're interested in more with probability are Yahtzee, Backgammon (see Fun with Board Games), and Monopoly! Illinois Avenue is the most common spot to land on (and here's why).

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