It takes a lot of work to get this kind of thing organized and I don't want to lose my notes, so I'm putting them here. I purchased some wonderful sturdy new bins (Really Useful Boxes, available at Staples and Office Depot) and placed a packing slip in each box as I packed it Friday evening, which was very helpful when packing the bins back up when the workshop was done!
Here are my packing lists:
Box 1
- plain white unlined paper
- Stamp Game Paper
- pencils
- pencil sharpener
- eraser
- my plan book
- Becca's plan book
- Creative Form Drawing, workbook 1 by Angela Lord
- Creative Form Drawing, workbook 2 by Angela Lord
- lesson plan guide for the Montessori Teaching Clock
- lesson plan guide for the Roman Numerals Material
- lesson plan guide for the Coordinate Graphing Box
- colored thread bobbins for the multplication wheels
- white woven cloth mats for fraction work
- You Can Count on Monsters: The First 100 Numbers and Their Characters book and poster by Richard Schwartz
- Active Arithmetic! Movement and Mathematics Teaching in the Lower Grades of a Waldorf School by Henning Andersen
- Teaching Mathematics for First and Second Grades in Waldorf Schools by Ernst Schuberth
- Barbara Dewey's Math for Waldorf Homeschoolers (Grades 1-3)
- Barbara Dewey's Geometry (Grade 6)
- String, Straight-Edge & Shadow: The Story of Geometry by Julia Diggins
- Mathematics Lessons for the Sixth Grade by Ernst Schuberth (Business Math block)
- Mathematics in Nature, Space, and Time by John Blackwood
- Geometric Drawing and the Waldorf School Plan by Hermann von Baravalle
- Geometry and the Imagination: The Imaginative Treatment of Geometry in Waldorf Education by A. Renwick Sheen
- Jamie York's Making Math Meaningful: A Source Book for Teaching Math in Grades One Through Five
- Jamie York's Making Math Meaningful: A Middle School Math Curriculum for Teachers and Parents
- Jamie York's Making Math Meaningful: A Source Book for Teaching High School Math
- Jamie York's Making Math Meaningful: Fun with Puzzles, Games, and More! (Grades 4-12)
- Jamie York's 7th grade workbook - teacher edition
- Jamie York's 8th grade workbook - student edition
Box 2
- Cut-Out Labeled Fraction Circles
- Fractions Activity Set 1
- Fractions Activity Set 2
- Fractions Activity Set 3
- Number Tiles
- Checker Board Beads
- silks for math gnomes - green, blue, yellow, red
- bamboo mats for stamp game work
- silks for presentation - one for the counter top, two for the floor
- Stamp Game
- Elementary Decimal Checkerboard Mat
- Small Opaque 10-Sided Dice - three green, two red, two blue
- Stockmar Beeswax 24 Stick Crayons in Wooden Storage Case
- boxes of business cards
Box 3
- Yellow Triangles for Area
- One Golden Bead Square of 100 Individual Beads
- Montessori Teaching Clock
- Arrows for the Teaching Clock
- Hundred Board Control Chart and tiles
- Roman Numeral Hundred Board Control Chart and tiles
- colored pencils for place value - green, blue, red
- Checker Board Activity Set
- Golden Bead Material Activity Set
- Bank Game
- Bead Bar Stamps and ink pad
- Set of 10 Bead Bar Colored Pencils
- Bead Bar Stamps Tray
- Small Bead Frame
- Flat Bead Frame
- file folder with handouts, sign in sheet
- set of four math gnomes - green, blue, yellow, red
- math gnomes MLB in a box
- dry erase markers - green, blue, red, black
Box 4
- Wooden Coordinate Graph Box
- Decimal Stamp Game
- Roman Numerals Box
- treasure chest of glass gems
- book display stands
- Hundred Board
- Roman Numeral Hundred Board
- Multi-Base Bead Frame
- Introduction to the Decimal System Tray
- Metal Squares: 9 Plates
- 6 sided dice
Plus a few things I had to carry on their own:
- a tote bag with my two Math training binders from NAMC,
- a large whiteboard,
- the Checker Board, and
- the Decanomial paper (one empty and one colored in)
- box of Golden Bead Material
This post contains affiliate links to the materials I actually use for homeschooling. I hope you find them helpful. Thank you for your support!