Thursday, April 19, 2018

"Regency Day" by Leah, age 14

I just finished reading Pride and Prejudice, and as one of the follow-up activities I decided to live a day in their life. I specifically chose to live the life of a gentry class lady. After a lot of research, online and through the book, my Regency Day was set for Saturday, April 14, 2018. The preparations were extensive: planning activities, making food, choosing clothing, planning special guests, and everything that goes with those things.

The day went quite well and I was surprised at many things. For one, I wasn't as hungry as I thought I would be (between breakfast and dinner). They had a huge breakfast but only a tiny lunch. Another not-so-pleasant realization was that since I was wearing so many layers I got really hot. Besides undergarments I had on an underskirt and undershirt and pantaloons (a pair of shorts) and then my overskirt and overshirt. When I changed for dinner I added an extra skirt under my fancy dress so that it would be puffier. The morning went well and we walked to the Co-op and back and embroidered as well as read aloud. The food was delicious, but the white soup was a little different than the soups that we have today. Overall the day was really fun!

7:30 am
wake up, dressed, hair, correspondence

9:30 am

    rolls, toast, butter, jam, tea, hot chocolate, fresh fruit (grapes, grapefruit, clementines, watermelon, blueberries, bananas)

10:15 am
walking with friends

11 am
embroidery with counted cross-stitch kits, read aloud Gulliver's Travels, listen to music

luncheon (cut sandwiches into four tiny triangles, eat with a knife and fork)

    bread, mayo, cold meats and cheeses (smoked turkey, aged Irish cheddar, muenster), tea

2:45 pm
welcome a visitor, nature sketching outside with watercolor pencils, embroidery, listen to music

4 pm

4:15 pm

6:15 pm
four course dinner, listen to music

    rolls, butter, White Soup, cheese plate (grapes, aged Irish cheddar, extra sharp cheddar, ginsing and garlic jack cheese, hand rubbed harissa fontina cheese)

    Mr. Darcy's Favourite Beef-Seak Dinner

    salad (mixed greens, cucumber, zucchini, bell pepper, tomato)

    vanilla ice cream, honey sweets

7:30 pm
retire to the drawing room (watch part of the film adaptation of P & P)

This post contains affiliate links to the materials I actually use for homeschooling. I hope you find them helpful. Thank you for your support!

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