Thursday, September 12, 2019

September - The Little Wooden Mixing Bowl

This week we did the story of "The Little Wooden Mixing Bowl" from The Breathing Circle by Nell Smyth. We celebrated this story about Baking by making play dough recipes, a different one each day.

We continued with our Circle Time and our songs & verses for transitions.

Monday, September 9

Our story was "The Little Wooden Mixing Bowl" from The Breathing Circle, page 124. I told this story with no props. Our follow up activity was my favorite no-cook Chocolate Play Dough recipe. Since you add boiling water you need to wait for a little bit before kneading it. For this, I used a trick I learned at the Little Red Hen Baking Party at the Waldorf School of St. Louis. I gave each child a little bit of flour on their piece of waxed paper and told them they could draw pictures in it while they waited for their dough. This worked wonders. Then when they got their dough, they eagerly kneaded in the raw flour. We sang verses (and you can make up your own action words) of "We Roll It, We Roll It" from The Singing Day, track 19.

Tuesday, September 10

I retold "The Little Wooden Mixing Bowl," this time with a prop. I simply passed out bowls from my series of Rainbow Nesting Bowls from Grimm's so that each child had one and I had one. We started by placing the bowls behind us. As I told the story and the little bowl gets taken off the shelf, we brought our bowls into the circle and placed them in front of us, and as the story went along we used our hands and our own bowl and gently acted out all of the things that happen to her. It was a lovely tactile experience!

Thursday, September 12

The Easiest Play Dough Recipe:
Mix 2 c cornstarch - 1 c lotion

The Best Bubble Stuff Recipe:
Gently combine 6 c water - 1 c dish detergent - 2 T glycerin

The children had so much fun outside on a hot day with this bubble stuff and the enormous bubble wands which Miss Shelby brought! Even the big kids eagerly joined in our play.

Of course, we also made Stone Soup. Before we started our vegetable washing work we did the verse "To Meet a Task" and while we were washing we sang "I Will Work with Joy." The children know that every week we each be bringing in a vegetable on Thursdays so that we can make Stone Soup. They're very excited about this tradition!

Today's soup vegetables were red onion, parsnip, green cabbage, potato, carrots, and golden beets. We also had fresh bell pepper slices on the side.

There's been doll play, fort building inside and out (covering the Pikler Triangle with silks is always fun), and lots of playing board games together. Current favorite board games for this group include Dwarves and Dice, Pengoloo, Snail's Pace Race, and Hisss.

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