Friday, October 1, 2021

Autumn Tree Field Trip - Oct 1

The trees haven't really started to change color yet here but there's still a lot to see on an Autumn Tree Field Trip on October 1st!

What things are falling from the trees in Autumn? 

We visited lots of trees on our field trip this morning including black tupelo, southern magnolia, persimmon (which wasn't quite ready to drop its fruit yet but will be in another week), bald cypress, red buckeye, bur oak, sweetgum, black wanut, Osage orange, and chestnut.

black tupelo

Southern magnolia

bald cypress

red buckeye 
ALL parts of the buckeye are poisonous, so do not eat these nuts!

we find a huge number of spiky brown sweetgum balls on the ground by the Giant City State Park Visitor's Center!

I like to pick a gumball while it is still green and put it on the Nature table on a dark cloth; when the gumball dries and opens, you can actually see the tiny seeds which fall out

black walnut
be careful!  don't let one fall on your head!

some animal has successfully removed the yummy nut from the black goo inside (which, by the way, makes a wonderful dye)

one of my favorite fall decorations: the fruit of the Osage orange

we are going to collect chestnuts!  time to put on your gardening gloves!

the fruit is covered with thorns that are extremely sharp
the tasty nut is safely tucked inside

a surprise... when you remove the nut the interior is velvety soft

this tree is absolutely covered!
thank you to Ms. Megan for letting us stop by her yard

a Form Drawing field trip?  you bet!
I think our form from yesterday looks just like a chestnut burr

form 15d from Form Drawing Grades 1 Through 4 by Laura Embrey-Stine and Ernst Schuberth 

I also really like Match a Leaf:  A Tree Memory Game

look carefully at the leaves... is this a horse chestnut tree?

nope, we can see that this is a different kind 
(no, it's not an American chestnut... sadly)

of course, we finish with some time at the park

the dinosaur playground at Alto Pass is totally awesome!

I've been wanting to come here for several years... ever since I read about the benefits of old-fashioned metal playground equipment in Balanced and Barefoot:  How Unrestricted Outdoor Play Makes for Strong, Confident, and Capable Children by Angela Hanscom.

Our new Parent Book Group book (starting Sunday Oct 3) is Hunt, Gather, Parent: What Ancient Cultures Can Teach Us About the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans by Michaeleen Doucleff. So excited!

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