Monday, October 4, 2021

Dragons & Grammar

What do you do when a 10 year old wants a block on Dragons but you were thinking about a Language Arts block? Dragons & Grammar, of course!

Some brainstorming... and I will fill in what we do here as we do it.

My notes for past versions of the Grade 4 "Personal Narratives & Advanced Punctuation" and "Grammar & Sentence Analysis" main lesson blocks:

write dragon short stories to practice advanced punctuation

write dragon poetry;
dragons are a perfect fit for metaphor, simile, onomatopoeia!

sprinkle dye wool felt with Kool-Aid powder,
sew dragon felt finger puppets,
then write a little scene with dialogue for them to speak

choose sentences to symbolize from books about dragons

choose examples for sentence analysis from books about dragons

do a dragon drawing or painting,
then write a sentence about the artwork and symbolize or analyze it

do the Haunted House of Speech with dragons!

some book possibilities:

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