Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Week Eleven Photos

These photos go with the post Week Eleven Notes (Nov 14 - Nov 17).

testing out a new educational board game
and finding different places around the globe

Long Multiplication with the Checker Board

Long Division with the Racks & Tubes

the youngest children are working on Place Value
last week we went up to 500 with The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins

today we go to the thousands in place value with Redwoods by Jason Chin

Place Value & Redwood Trees blog post for more details...

the color coding of digits in Montessori

a picture of a car driving through a redwood tree!

decorating lanterns for our Lantern Walk

Lantern Making and Martinmas blog post for more details...

we continue with Place Value with the 45 Layout

we look more closely at the number 1000

10 golden beads wired together into a 10-bar
ten 10-bars wired together into a 100-square
ten 100-squares wired together into a 1000-cube

counting by 1s up to 9
counting by 10s up to 90
counting by 100s up to 900
counting by 1000s up to 9000

we practice > and < with The Autumn Calf by Jill Haukos

the little bison calf needs to be 200 pounds to survive the fierce winter

does it weigh more or less than 200 pounds?

we also play the Crocodile Game with 74 and 47
which is bigger?

the Dice Game is another favorite way to practice place value

Instructions for the Dice Game blog post for more details...

this game is wonderful for learning how to read, and compare, very large numbers!

next in Place Value, we explore Infinity Street

I have houses up to the Sextillion Family
and slips of paper for the names up to the Novemdecillion Family

we end this week by reading A Million Dots by Andrew Clements

a birthday celebration

this is their favorite kind of imaginative play at Recess

wooden animals, play kitchen foods, dollhouse furniture, and the Caravan

we have a wonderful Special Guest, Angela Davis, Superintendent of the Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant for Carbondale

since November is a Math block for everyone, I ask her to especially focus on Math in her presentation

at Forest School on Friday, lessons with Miss Destinee in Firestarting 
(and s'mores!)

This post contains affiliate links to materials I truly use for homeschooling. Qualifying purchases provide me with revenue. Thank you for your support!

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