Saturday, October 21, 2023

Animals Are Amazing

Oh, there are so many interesting things in the world to learn about!!

One of the things that I most love about Waldorf education is that the teacher loops with her class from grades 1 through 8. This is a big challenge because you can't just use your lesson plans from last year... you are constantly preparing and teaching a whole new set of main lesson blocks.

This is also a huge opportunity for intellectual stimulation because you are constantly being inspired by new topics and ideas. Sometimes you are teaching about things you don't know about, or subjects you actively avoided in school because you disliked them, so it's time to buckle down and learn. Steiner wanted his teachers to stay fresh and -- more importantly -- to always do their planning in light of the unique set of children they had in front of them, instead of reusing old ideas.

In preparation for the two Zoology (aka Man and Animal) blocks I like to do in grade 4, I want to start another New York Times list of curious and interesting articles. This one is for articles about Animals. Today's story, The Glowing Secret That Mammals Have Been Hiding, also reminded me that I just bought a brand new book on this topic! I can't wait to read it!

Glow: The Wild Wonders of Bioluminescence

by Jennifer Smith

Amazing Animal Articles:

What It Takes to Save the Axolotl: On the outskirts of Mexico City, biologists are working to reintroduce a treasured amphibian to the wild. But first they must revive an ancient method of farming.

Mucus-Covered Jellyfish Hint at Dangers of Deep-Sea Mining: Shipboard experiments suggested that sediment from the exploitation of metals in the ocean could be harmful to marine life.

Not All Heroes Wear Capes, but These Termites Did for Science: This study has everything: jumping spiders; insects donning striped and solid patterns; and evolutionary lessons about predators and prey.

Sea Creatures From the Deep, Captured in Glass, Rise at Mystic Seaport: A new show of marine invertebrates, modeled in Germany nearly 150 years ago, helps tell a story about the Connecticut coast today.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Cock-a-Doodle-Doo: A modified version of the classic mirror test suggested that roosters recognize their reflections.

These Starfish Face Extinction. Scientists Are Helping Them Mate.: Scientists estimate that more than 5 billion sunflower sea stars, once a mighty predator, have died in the Pacific Ocean because of warming waters.

The Glowing Secret That Mammals Have Been Hiding: Fluorescent anatomy, which recently seemed to be a quirk in unusual animals such as platypuses and opossums, was found in most living families of mammals.

These Amphibians Have a Taste for Their Mom’s Skin: Caecilians are the first amphibians known to pass on their microbiomes to their offspring.

Deer Are Everywhere, but We Barely Know Them: A decade-old research project in Pennsylvania has been revealing the secret lives of familiar woodland mammals.

Unleashing a New Weapon on the Mosquito: A Mosquito

How Many Ants Are There on Earth? You’re Going to Need More Zeros.: There are 20 quadrillion ants worldwide, according to a new census, or 2.5 million for every living human. There are probably even more than that.

Under a Hellish Ocean Habitat, Bizarre Animals Are Lurking: For the first time, scientists observed tubeworms and other complex ocean creatures dwelling beneath hydrothermal vents.

Starving Orcas and the Fate of Alaska’s Disappearing King Salmon: With the fish numbers at historic lows, scientists, chefs and others are asking whether we should be eating them anymore, and what it means for the future of all wild salmon.

These Flies Age Faster After Witnessing Death: A study offers clues to the link between what the brain of an organism perceives and physical reactions in its body.

Fruitarian Frogs May Be Doing Flowers a Favor: Researchers may have discovered the first example of a frog that pollinates flowering plants.

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