Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Booktacular Pumpkin Decorating Contest

Every year we participate in the Booktacular Pumpkin Decorating Contest at the Carbondale Public Library. It's so fun to hear what book characters children love best! Today they each got their pumpkins, chose their book characters, made a planning sketch, and turned in a supply list to me (younger children had the assistance of older children to scribe for them).

Now I am looking over all of the supply requests and seeing what I need to purchase!

Sorting Hat from

    medium brown, dark brown, black, and white paint
    brown witch's hat

Dragon from

    red paint
    black and white pompoms
    red paint chips
    scissors & glue

Paddington Bear from

    green, brown, and black paint
    brown fur fabric
    needle & thread
    large hat
    red ribbon
    paper egg carton
    scissors & glue

Tag from

    dark brown and grey paint
    metallic gold paper
    orange construction paper
    scissors & glue

Cat from

    red, white, and black paint
    red and white construction paper
    scissors & tape

Narwhal from

Polly from

    light peach, red, black, yellow, and green paint
    hair ribbon

Eragon from

    blue paint
    metallic black paper
    aluminum foil
    blue and silver colored pencils
    scissors & tape
    brown wool roving

Fireheart from

    light green, dark green, medium green, white, pink, and black paint
    orange construction paper
    scissors & tape
    black wire

Golem from

    white, black, and blue paint
    grey wool yarn
    gold bracelet
    white paper
    scissors & glue

Saphira from

    white, light blue metallic, and dark blue metallic paint
    light blue, medium blue, and dark blue yarn
    metallic black paper
    blue construction paper
    black Sharpie
    scissors & glue

This post contains affiliate links to materials I truly use for homeschooling. Qualifying purchases provide me with revenue. Thank you for your support!

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