Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Quality of Numbers Booklist - 2023

This is one of my favorite blocks to teach, and a classic in Waldorf First Grade. After Form Drawing, children learn the Roman and Hindu-Arabic numerals and then begin an introduction to the Capital Letters. From there they progress throughout the school year to writing words, phrases, and then sentences. It is all done very gently and is meant to be stress-free.

The numbers are introduced in fairy tales (such as The Three Billy Goats Gruff) as well as places that children find them in the world (like 6 in the color wheel and 8 in the spider), so that the experience is one of wonder or joy in recognizing an old friend. The stories are always accompanied by riddles to solve and new symbols to be revealed.

I use a container story inspired by this one. My characters are two flower children, Calendula and Plantain.

I've written an entire Ruzuku course on this block which may be helpful if you are a homeschooler preparing to teach it, but here is the quick overview and booklist of stories that I used this year:

I / 1

    story - Sun Bread by Elisa Kleven

    poem - "The Sun" by Grace Nichols from The Hutchinson Treasury of Children's Poetry edited by Alison Sage, p.126

    riddle - sunshine

    hands-on activity - make Sun Bread (recipe in back of book)

    artwork - wet-on-dry watercolor painting of sun

II / 2

III / 3

    story - Jack and the Beanstalk retold by Joseph Jacobs

    riddle - seed

    hands-on activity - wrap three dried beans in a wet paper towel and place in a plastic bag

    bonus story - The Three Little Pigs retold by Paul Galdone

    hands-on activity - build little piggie houses with Teifoc mini bricks

    artwork - colored pencil drawing of three magic beans OR the giant's treasures (bag of gold, goose that lays golden eggs, talking harp)

IV / 4

V / 5

VI / 6

VII / 7

    story - Seven Blind Mice retold by Ed Young

    riddle - mouse

    hands-on activity - write numbers I through VII with sidewalk chalk (one, two, three, one-from-five, five, five-and-one-more, five-and-two-more)

    bonus story - "The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids" from More Tales from Grimm, translated by Wanda Gág, pp.241-249

    artwork - colored pencil drawing of seven mice in rainbow colors

VIII / 8

IX / 9

X / 10

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