Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Play with Plants

As part of our Three Sisters Garden project, we've also done some fun experiments with growing plants. The children were amazed when I showed them how to regrow celery from scraps. I also highly recommend Millicent Selsam's Play with Plants if you're looking for growing acivities. Yesterday we started a sweet potato vine and today we are going to regrow lentils!

These activities go well with Gardener's Match: A Fruit and Vegetable Memory Game, which the older children played yesterday.

the artwork is beautiful

but turn over either the Poison Ivy or the Stinging Nettle card
and you lose your next turn!

The younger children started the Play Garden, a lovely work which Cody made for his previous school and is sharing with us. Over the next six weeks mysterious changes will happen in the three plant beds of the Play Garden, as the things they put in yesterday will "grow." Cody made all of the pieces needed for three stages in the life of garlic, sweet potato, Swiss chard, green beans, and watermelon. Plus weeds that will have to be taken out (with a very satisfying rrrrrrip of the velcro).

All of the children are working together for one last plant activity, "Make a Plant Grow Down Instead of Up" from p.49 of The Curious Kid's Science Book by Asia Citro. Make sure you have fast-germinating seeds for this experiment! I recommend using okra, sunflowers, mung beans... or lentils!

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