Saturday, May 11, 2024

Art History 2024-2025

I can't believe it's almost time for the Donut Art Show! We have had a blast learning about eight artists this school year (Art History 2023-2024) and I'm ready to pick next year's list. They are in order of the year they were born.

Sep Sonia Delaunay
1885 - 1979

Oct Marc Chagall
1887 - 1985

Nov Joseph Cornell
1903 - 1972

Dec Arshile Gorky
1904 - 1948

    Art History Kids - The Studio - April 2021

Jan Romare Bearden
1911 - 1988

    Art History Kids - The Studio - February 2021

Feb Tove Jansson
1914 - 2001

Mar Leonora Carrington
1917 - 2011

    Art History Kids - The Studio - October 2022

Apr Friedensreich Hundertwasser
1928 - 2000

    Art History Kids - The Studio - April 2019

May Banksy
1974? -

As you can see, I will use resources from Lotus at Art History Kids, as well as picture books that I have on hand. I'm excited about next year!

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