Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Ten Queens: Portraits of Women of Power

On my screen-free Fridays I like to shelve books and reorganize my library. Last week I redid 921 (biography) and put the books in categories instead of having names in alphabetical order (which jumbles people up significantly).

My categories are Age of Exploration, Music & Dance, Writers, Inventors, Mathematicians & Scientists, World Leaders, and Other Biographies.

While I was looking at each book to decide what that person was famous for, I came across a book which had been donated and which I had never read. It's Ten Queens: Portraits of Women of Power by Mildon Meltzer. Amazing!

For me, physically writing things down is how I remember them (I take copious notes during workshops and conferences), and so I immediately wanted to make a blog post listing these women. That way, when I go to teach about one of them, I'll remember that they are in this book!

    Esther, 5th century BCE

    Cleopatra, 69-30 BCE

    Boudicca, circa 28-62 CE

    Zenobia, 3rd century CE

    Eleanor of Aquitaine, 1122-1204 CE

    Isabel of Spain, 1451-1504 CE

    Elizabeth I, 1533-1603 CE

    Christina of Sweden, 1626-1689 CE

    Maria Theresa, 1717-1780 CE

    Catherine the Great, 1729-1796 CE

I have biographies of most of these women in other resources, which would present an interesting opportunity to compare and contrast.

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