Saturday, May 11, 2024

Art History - Marianthe Loucataris

In my Art History 2023-2024 blog post, I decided May would be Marianthe Loucataris. Here are some resources and my planning notes:

Marianthe Loucataris
1970 -


If Water Could Speak: Virtual Artist in Residence with Marianthe Loucataris
YouTube video

week of May 6



    read interview with Marianthe Loucataris

    consider how we can create a piece of art inspired by her for our Donut Art Show

    Donut Art Show planning

      welcome sign on back door, list of artists on chalkboard, Donut Art Show book on small table

      Piet Mondrian - laundry room, card table over rabbit cage, display on wall

      Louise Bourgeois - library

      Corita Kent - entryway - tree on half wall, info on file cabinets

      Yves Klein - living room - card table in front of cubbies, display his work on cubbies

      Faith Ringgold - living room - both end tables, picture window, Harlem Renaissance book display on long sofa

      Zaha Hadid - living room - coffee table

      Andy Goldsworthy - dining room - ice ring on buffet, display of his work on chalkboard

      Marianthe Loucataris - dining room table, audio equipment setup on corner desk

      reception in kitchen!

week of May 13


    begin to organize strawberry frosting exhibit of many sensory experiences layered on top of one another plus a digital component

    make bubble wrap printed strawberries (see)

week of May 20


    make strawberry play dough (smell, touch)

    begin to record Strawberry Stories (hear)

week of May 27


    finish recording Strawberry Stories


    slice fresh strawberries (taste)

    play Strawberry Stories during Art Show

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