Thursday, September 27, 2007

No Wolves Allowed

When Natalie and I were at the police station a few days ago, getting the fingerprinting schedule, the funniest thing happened. Well, to back up, when we walked up the sidewalk into the building we passed a little garden out front with a tombstone for a deceased police dog, Miki, and some flowers around it. And I thought to myself, I hope she doesn't ask about that. She didn't. But when we were inside, she looked out the window and said to me, "Mom, there's a sign outside that says No Wolves Allowed."
It was the gravestone -- she saw that it had an engraved picture of a German Shepherd on it! :-)

So I did end up taking her outside and talking about how it was a grave and how many police officers have dogs that help them with their jobs and this dog died and so on and so forth. It is so cute to me how they "read" the signs in their environment to try to figure things out and sometimes they get it really wrong. It was a nice grave, though. The sign said Miki: gone but not forgotten. So we talked about how people like to remember the best things about a person who died and how they put the stones so that they don't ever forget the ones they love.

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